Suggested Quick Poll Topics? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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12-16-2003, 11:56 AM
Anyone have suggestions for a Quick Poll topic (audio-related please). Post them here....

12-17-2003, 07:36 AM
Have you bought speakers over the internet?

Would you consider buying speakers from an internet only company?

12-17-2003, 07:33 PM
Anyone have suggestions for a Quick Poll topic (audio-related please). Post them here....

And had very poor response. I suspect that people just get pollled too often in their everyday lives to what to be bothered.

12-18-2003, 08:42 AM
And had very poor response. I suspect that people just get pollled too often in their everyday lives to what to be bothered.
Well, I know one of my other sites has some great suggestions from members. People usually want to know what others think on certain subjects, but maybe around here - are audiophiles that much different? Do they not care what others think? I'm just trying to get you guys involved - it's your community, I'm only trying to make it function better and add in the stuff you want.

Those who care can respond with some quick poll topics and answers.

12-18-2003, 03:42 PM
Coke or Pepsi?
Tastes great or less filling?
Maryann or Ginger?

Wait, what was the question again?

karl k
12-19-2003, 04:34 PM
In a heartbeat! Have you seen her lately? Still hot and innocent!

02-04-2004, 06:51 PM
Definately MaryAnn! What is it about the country girls like that?

04-16-2004, 10:08 AM
I would be interested in learning what kinds of music others listen too, and what they consider to be the best examples of those categories. It would also be helpful to compare those selections to the equipment chosen to play them. I suppose this could be extended to video/HT as well, but I personally find it more difficult to locate outstanding audio sources than quality DVDs.

regards, billb,,,,

05-13-2004, 11:26 AM
"How can the record industry jump-start lagging sales?"

My plan for recovery:


1. All redbook titles (single albums) sell for $9.99 MAX, new releases included.

2. Hi-rez (SACD (hybrids included)/DVD-A/HDAD) music titles go for $14.99 MAX.

How do I arrive at these figures? If they want the hi-rez business to take off, they need to charge what cd's used to cost because customers are used to paying that. But for redbook, it's time the consumers got a break. If Circuit City is only charging $14.99 for DVD-A's, then why can't everyone else?

05-26-2004, 11:07 AM
Anyone have suggestions for a Quick Poll topic (audio-related please). Post them here....
Here is one:
How many of you are true two-channel audiophiles vs the HT/multi-speaker listener.

"the human body comes with 2:1 stereo listening as a standard feature....5:1 surround sounds requires additional parts :confused:

06-14-2004, 12:54 PM
what about the original surround sound format, quad? there are (used) CD4 albums and the hardware to play it on out there, though stock is very limited. I'm still trying to go quad myself, haven't found the right turntable yet.