Pardigm Monitor 5 v3 vs. Studio 40 v3 [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Pardigm Monitor 5 v3 vs. Studio 40 v3

12-15-2003, 05:54 PM
Can anyone describe in their best way the audible difference between these two speakers? Thanks.

12-15-2003, 07:26 PM
Been a while since I listened to the Monitor 5s, but I can tell you that the new Studio 40s are very nice. Compared to the Monitor series, the Studios are more refined, with less aggressive highs, better bass articulation, more fullness in the midrange, excellent imaging (about as good as I've heard in this price class), and less box resonance. The Monitor 5s are very nice speakers in their price range ($550), and the Studio 40s are roughly double the price of the Monitors. The Studio 40s are a clear cut step up in sound quality. Whether or not that improvement is worth double the price is entirely up to you.

I wound up buying the Studio 40s, so you know my answer!

Another consideration is the ancillary components for home theatre. Give a listen in a surround configuration if you can, and assess how well the Studio and Monitor series speakers sound as a 5.1 group.

12-15-2003, 07:57 PM
Thanks for the reply Woochifer. I'm going to try and give them a listen this weekend. I'm lucky enough to have a dealer about 15 minutes away. I'm not too fond of one particular salesman but my listening skills have developed substantially since I made my last purchase there. Thanks again.

12-16-2003, 12:36 PM
Can anyone describe in their best way the audible difference between these two speakers? Thanks.

Other than Paradigm what else have you listened to? It sounds from your post that at least one of these you have not yet heard...or you would know the differences? You're not buying them because you saw some good reviews are you? The Paradigm 40 is vastly superior to the Monitor 5...but then a lot of 1k speakers are vastly superior to the Monitor 5s and some of them I would choose over the Studio 40V2(not heard the V3 yet). Patience here is a good idea. Lot of things to consider. Will you move to 5.1 or is this two channel only...if it's the latter I think there is considerably better available, but some of thse don't make 5.1 speaker systems etc etc.

I would ask for speaker advice in your budget on this forum:

I'm not dissuading you away from Paradigm but do try and get out there and hear some speakers that may not have the marketing muscle but in fact build terrific speakers...some of which you may find to be considerably better for the same or less dollars.

Being a household name doesn't make you a better actor. Keanu Reeves vs Bob Hoskins or Ben Kingsly. Most know the first but his acting is crap compared to the latter two imo. Not that Paradigm is the Keanu Reeves of the speaker world and please don't draw my analogy to mean that at all. It is simply to draw your attention that just because something is well known does not make it better than the lesser known. And of course sometimes the lesser known should stay unknown and sometimes you have Jack Nicholson...well known and higher quality - LOL. Comparing speakers to Actors...cause people hate when I compare to cars. Again I'm not comparing these actors to speakers...just to say that because something is well known doesn't mean it's worth a damn. Bose is the number one selling speaker for example.

The 40V2 is a solid speaker. Not necessarily to my taste in the end, and you may be the same.

12-16-2003, 01:50 PM
You're not buying them because you saw some good reviews are you?
RGA's reviews are no better then..,I happen to like them...only you can decide,,

I think there is considerably better available, but some of thse don't make 5.1 speaker systems etc etc.
Again this is just RGAs review.I think they are a great speaker(studio 40) for the price. However you have to decide..

I would ask for speaker advice in your budget on this forum:
Again these are reviews.No better than mine,woochifers,and of course RGAs.Its funny RGA does not want you to listen to reviews but then gives his and sends you to AA to read" Guess what" Reviews.You will notice he did not send you to the review section on this site..It could be because the high% of good reviews dont agree with his...

12-16-2003, 04:30 PM
RGA's reviews are no better then..,I happen to like them...only you can decide,,

Again this is just RGAs review.I think they are a great speaker(studio 40) for the price. However you have to decide..

Again these are reviews.No better than mine,woochifers,and of course RGAs.Its funny RGA does not want you to listen to reviews but then gives his and sends you to AA to read" Guess what" Reviews.You will notice he did not send you to the review section on this site..It could be because the high% of good reviews dont agree with his...

Firstly, reviews I'm referring to are magazine reviews that have interests other than the product under review. The reviews of this site are from owners...then again maybe not - some could be written by shills or those who hate the product.

I provided the link to the other site not to get reviews but to get advice on other speakers to listen to. You must listen to the speakers preferably against other speakers in the same room with the same gear when and where possible. This site typically has the same 5-7 speaker brands repeated over and over again because that is what the people here happen to own.

Nothing at all to do with Paradigm specifically, what you are I or Joe reviewer likes says nothing about what this poster will like. But buying off a review is exactly the same as buying a speaker over the net unheard. Neither makes sense especially for a relative beginner. The 40 is IMO a relatively safe choice in that if you dislike them you can sell them easier than a lesser known speaker...but I'd much rather have a speaker I'll keep for 10 or 20 years where re-sale is irrelevant. The 40 for some people may do both. Then again it may not.

And if all you have heard all your life is Bose and JBL and you suddenly hear a Paraidgm you'll be blown away as to how much better they are. I am less blown away because my comparison most recently was against far better speaker makers than Bose and JBL. Though I would still take the 40 over many of these upper scale competitors when you factor in price/performance ratios etc.

12-17-2003, 11:08 AM
Take Wooch's advice, listen to them side by side and see what you like. IMO the difference for me was worth the price. I think the biggest things I got out of the Studio's are a much bigger soundstage, much less boxy sound to the Studio's and a much smoother transition from bass to mids. The whole sound of the speaker just seemed to blend better to my ears.

But that's me. You may hear something different. It's all in the listening.

12-17-2003, 02:34 PM
the Studio will out perform the Monitors all day long...but as stated if price is a big factor maybe a set of used 40's or 60's....(awww what the heck) shoot fer some 100's....the wife will love'em! ;)