For all Nickelback fans! [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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N. Abstentia
12-06-2004, 11:27 AM
Find a new band to follow. This is just incredible. Who knew Nickelback was THIS bad?

12-06-2004, 12:13 PM
Find a new band to follow. This is just incredible. Who knew Nickelback was THIS bad?

Very interesting, indeed. But I would have to disagree that the songs "are almost exactly the same". In fact, the lyrics come out of the speakers almost alternating. While the songs certainly share a certain flow, I would consider that to be Nickelback's style. Most bands have songs with a similar sound. How often, when hearing a song for the first time, are you able to name the band just because of the style of the song?

I'm not defending Nickelback. I like some of their songs, but would agree that they can get tiresome after a while. But these two songs being "almost EXACTLY THE SAME"? I think that's pushing it.

Hmmmm. I think I'll throw Silver Side Up in the player. Suddenly, I have a hankering for some Nickelback. ;)

12-14-2004, 05:25 AM

Funny, but I'm with Forever Autumn, the same tempo and time doesn't quite = "sound exactly the same".

I could just as likely through a Bush tune on there....

BTW, whatever happened to pretty Gavin and Bush? Funny that Nickelback is doing so well, they sound an aweful lot like Bush.