preamp jumpers [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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Bill K Davis
12-01-2004, 06:49 PM
Music Direct's catalog talks about replacing "those horrible little u plugs" with $40 preamp jumpers. I have a Sansui 777 with 2 of them. Is it worth it to replace them with something for less than $40. Danke.

Pat D
12-02-2004, 09:24 AM
Music Direct's catalog talks about replacing "those horrible little u plugs" with $40 preamp jumpers. I have a Sansui 777 with 2 of them. Is it worth it to replace them with something for less than $40. Danke. What's the matter with the "horrible" little jumpers? What's horrible about them? Does MusicDirect provide any data? Do they think that calling them "horrible" is going to affect their performance? I mean, all they have to do is conduct the signal from the preamp section to the amplifier section and they will do it virtually perfectly. They're very short, they stay out of the way, and are audibly neutral. What more could you possibly want?

MusicDirect wants to sell you another piece of useless audio jewellery--and nobody will even see it back there.


12-03-2004, 02:38 PM
Music Direct's catalog talks about replacing "those horrible little u plugs" with $40 preamp jumpers. I have a Sansui 777 with 2 of them. Is it worth it to replace them with something for less than $40. Danke.
My suggestion would be to buy some Caig Deoxit or Progold contact cleaner from the same catalog for less than half that amount. All wires and contacts oxidize over time, even the gold plated ones. I recommend cleaning all wires and component contacts, at least once a year. Oxidized contacts add a bright, tizzy character to the sound that masks detail.


12-04-2004, 04:18 AM
They aren't shielded for a very short distance. Something shielded might actually make a bit of difference. $40.00 worth of difference? I don't know. If you solder, I'm sure you could make yourself a pair of short, high-quality, shielded RCA cables for much less $.

12-05-2004, 08:34 AM
Just whointhehell is Music Direct anyway? Where did they earn any credentials that would make them qualified to call those little jumpers "horrible"? To denigrate in the most unscrupulous manner possible such a benign little piece of hardware is not only unethical marketing, it teeters precipititously on the brink of fraud IMO. They should be ashamed of themselves.

There is nothing about those little jumpers that needs "improving" in any way, shape, or form - nor is there any way to upgrade them that would result in a performance improvement - merely shielding them will do nothing to improve the sound ... period. And dat's da troot.