PSB Subsonic 6i opinions. [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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11-28-2004, 12:08 PM

I am new to the forum and fairly new to the home audio world. I am considering getting the PSB Subsonic 6i. I am just wondering why there are not many recommendations for PSB sub's? Stereophile recommends the alpha and subsonic 5i. Sound and Vision tested several subwoofers recently and the PSB subsonic 6i had the best freq uniformity out of the bunch as well as the highest SPL at 20 Hz.
Are the HSU and SVS offerings at the $600 - $700 price range that much better?

Looking for opinions on a subwoofer for a room that is 16x19x11 foot ceiling with openings at every corner with a half wall that opens up to the kitchen, which makes the room even bigger. The subs on my short list appear to be the minimum I will need to fill my room.

Subwoofer would be used 40% HT and 60% Music. My current setup is:
NAD T752, NAD C541, Dynaudio 42 mains, Dynaudio 42C, and Paradigm Cinema 90's (leftover from previous setup which have high WAF and might be the surrounds for a while)

My shortlist that I am considering is HSU VTF-3/STF-3, Outlaw LFM-1, SVS PB12-ISD(kind of big) and the PSB Subsonic 6i. I have listened to the PSB Subsonic 6 not i and for the brief period I have listened to it I thought it sounded really good. I did have a Mirage OM-200 that was great for music but did not have enough umph for HT so I returned it. I have not heard the HSU VTF-3/STF-3 or Outlaw or even SVS. I have listened to the STF-2 at CompUSA but could not get a good impression. Really bad listening environment.

If anyone has done any comparisons between the Subsonic 6i and the other subs on my list. Please give me your thoughts as I am anxiously looking to round out my system.

11-28-2004, 04:53 PM

I am new to the forum and fairly new to the home audio world. I am just wondering why there are not many recommendations for PSB sub's? Stereophile recommends the alpha and subsonic 5i. Sound and Vision tested several subwoofers recently and the PSB subsonic 6i had the best freq uniformity out of the bunch as well as the highest SPL at 20 Hz. Are the HSU and SVS offerings at the $600 - $700 price range that much better?

Looking for opinions on a subwoofer for a room that is 16x19x11 foot ceiling with openings at every corner with a half wall that opens up to the kitchen, which makes the room even bigger. The subs on my short list appear to be the minimum I will need to fill my room.

Subwoofer would be used 40% HT and 60% Music. My current setup is:
NAD T752, NAD C541, Dynaudio 42 mains, Dynaudio 42C, and Paradigm Cinema 90's (leftover from previous setup which have high WAF and might be the surrounds for a while)

My shortlist that I am considering is HSU VTF-3/STF-3, Outlaw LFM-1, SVS PB12-ISD(kind of big) and the PSB Subsonic 6i. I have listened to the PSB Subsonic 6 not i and for the brief period I have listened to it I thought it sounded really good. I did have a Mirage OM-200 that was great for music but did not have enough umph for HT so I returned it. I have not heard the HSU VTF-3/STF-2 or Outlaw or even SVS. I have listened to the STF-2 at CompUSA but could not get a good impression. Really bad listening environment.

If anyone has done any comparisons between the Subsonic 6i and the other subs on my list. Please give me your thoughts as I am anxiously looking to round out my system.

Sound and Vision does some excellent testing. I really think that the truth about these mid-level subs have been uncovered by this report. The Subsonic 6 was a clear winner, although ALL of the subs performed well, and none were distroyed even after pushing them to thier limits.

11-28-2004, 05:17 PM
Sound and Vision does some excellent testing. I really think that the truth about these mid-level subs have been uncovered by this report. The Subsonic 6 was a clear winner, although ALL of the subs performed well, and none were distroyed even after pushing them to thier limits.

Thanks for the feedback Geoffcin. From what I understand the STF-3 and Outlaw LFM-1 are incredibly close in performance. So with that being said how do you think the Subsonic 6i would size up against the VTF-3 or the PB12-ISD?

11-28-2004, 07:24 PM
Thanks for the feedback Geoffcin. From what I understand the STF-3 and Outlaw LFM-1 are incredibly close in performance. So with that being said how do you think the Subsonic 6i would size up against the VTF-3 or the PB12-ISD?

But the tester thought that the PSB sub was great. I run two Velodynes myself, but they are the 15" ones.

11-29-2004, 11:41 AM
I have the very similar Subsonic 6 and like it very well. It integrates very well with my Magneplanar MMGs. It's the last component in my system that I would consider changing other than my amp, a Bel Canto.

Frankly, though, I didn't do a lot of comparison of subs before I bought it. Even more than other speakers, subs can't really be evaluated other than in you own room and with you own system. As I recall, the Subsonic 5 was recommended by TAS at the time so I took a chance on the 6. Also I got heck of a deal in a demo unit: Cdn$400.

Pat D
11-29-2004, 02:53 PM

I am new to the forum and fairly new to the home audio world. I am considering getting the PSB Subsonic 6i. I am just wondering why there are not many recommendations for PSB sub's? Stereophile recommends the alpha and subsonic 5i. Sound and Vision tested several subwoofers recently and the PSB subsonic 6i had the best freq uniformity out of the bunch as well as the highest SPL at 20 Hz.
Are the HSU and SVS offerings at the $600 - $700 price range that much better?

Looking for opinions on a subwoofer for a room that is 16x19x11 foot ceiling with openings at every corner with a half wall that opens up to the kitchen, which makes the room even bigger. The subs on my short list appear to be the minimum I will need to fill my room.

Subwoofer would be used 40% HT and 60% Music. My current setup is:
NAD T752, NAD C541, Dynaudio 42 mains, Dynaudio 42C, and Paradigm Cinema 90's (leftover from previous setup which have high WAF and might be the surrounds for a while)

My shortlist that I am considering is HSU VTF-3/STF-3, Outlaw LFM-1, SVS PB12-ISD(kind of big) and the PSB Subsonic 6i. I have listened to the PSB Subsonic 6 not i and for the brief period I have listened to it I thought it sounded really good. I did have a Mirage OM-200 that was great for music but did not have enough umph for HT so I returned it. I have not heard the HSU VTF-3/STF-3 or Outlaw or even SVS. I have listened to the STF-2 at CompUSA but could not get a good impression. Really bad listening environment.

If anyone has done any comparisons between the Subsonic 6i and the other subs on my list. Please give me your thoughts as I am anxiously looking to round out my system. Judging from the reviews, you probably couldn't go wrong with any of those four. Of those reviewed in the September 2004 S & V, I would probably lean towards the PSB 6i because it had fairly a fairly high output capacity in the HT range and the greatest output at 20 Hz. The Phase Tech HV-1000 did well at 20 Hz but seems a little wimpy higher up.

When you have subs measured by different people in different spaces with differing methodologies, it's hard to compare. I think I would tend to favor the Hsu VTF-3 and the SVS PB-12 SD, which you think is too big, as I think they probably have somewhat higher output. As for size, remember, you can put it in a corner out of the way, even a rear corner, and use it as an end table, which is how I (or rather, my wife) use my sub. Anyway, here is a link to a review on the Hsu site by Howard Ferstler in The Audiophile Voice:

I really doubt you would go wrong with any of the four. Sometimes that doesn't make the choice any easier . . .

11-30-2004, 05:40 AM
Thanks guys for all the excellent feedback! This helps greatly in making my decision. I have come to the same conclusion that all 4 subs would be a great addition and can't go wrong with any of them. The VTF-3 and Subsonic 6i are now my official shortlist and fit my space requirements the best. The main reason the Subsonic 6i drew my attention was the great review, the size, and I can get a B-stock one for around $450 :)

My room does not offer much as far as corner loading since I have openings at every corner but I do have a niche where the TV used to be that might work. Due to WAF my placement is very restricted so maybe the VTF-3 might be a better choice because it will give more output. But according to the review the Subsonic 6i was easier to place than the Outlaw LFM-1 which is essentially a STF-3.

Anyways thanks again guys !