Enon! Enon! Enon! Enon! Enon! [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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11-24-2004, 09:33 AM

Who don't like Enon? Pulled this one out a couple days ago and I just can't stop it. Hey, doesn't that sound like it would make a good album title? I just can't stop it. Hmmm, maybe for some frenzied ska revival band or something? I know, a dollar short and 24 years too late.....but now I wanna hear some "Twist and Crawl" :)

Oh well, back to Enon! On High Society they added Toko Yasuda who used to be with Blonde Redhead and she adds some very nice synth work and great (kinda Japanese sounding) female vocals on a few tracks. Some of the more experimental and quirky aspects of their Believo! debut (and Brainiac predecessor) were sacrificed in the interest of making a more cohesive and song oriented album and I think the result is much better, even though I really enjoyed the weirdness of the debut. But there's still plenty of quirkiness to keep me happy, although it is much more integrated into the song structures and so adds body and interest to the music. Each song is varied and distinctive and memorable, with influences readily apparent running from Beck and Magnetic Fields to Talking Heads and Kinks. I wonder if OutKast heard this one because it sure seems to have foreseen some of the best moments on their last double CD. As was the case with the first album, the people they thank in the liner notes paints a pretty good picture of what makes this such a good album. Here's a few: ..., Flaming Lips and crew, GvsB, Toadies, the Plan, Les Savy Fav... This is one that gets many spins around here, that's for sure. Goes in the machine and may stay there for days.

11-24-2004, 02:18 PM
Never went out of regular rotation for me. I put it up there with albums such as Emergency & I, Amore Del Tropico, Rings Around The World, Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain, Castaways & Cutouts, Sumday, In The Aeroplane Over The Sea, The Swimming Hour, OK Computer, Summer In Abaddon, Inches, Perfect From Now On, A Series Of Sneaks, It's a Wonderful Life . . . . etc., etc. . . . you know, essential stuff that never seems to find it's way back into the rack. :)

Hocus Pocus has its moments but High Society is their masterwork.

NP: SFA - Radiator

Hermann loves Pauline and Pauline loves Hermann
they made love and gave birth to a little German
we have ways of making you think
they told me over a drink

11-24-2004, 04:58 PM
Never went out of regular rotation for me. I put it up there with albums such as Emergency & I, Amore Del Tropico, Rings Around The World, Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain, Castaways & Cutouts, Sumday, In The Aeroplane Over The Sea, The Swimming Hour, OK Computer, Summer In Abaddon, Inches, Perfect From Now On, A Series Of Sneaks, It's a Wonderful Life . . . . etc., etc. . . . you know, essential stuff that never seems to find it's way back into the rack. :)
Yeah buddy, nice list there. Pretty much the same as my travel essentials with a couple very minor exceptions. I thought a post about Enon may draw you out of the woodwork. What kind of brew do you have on hand for giving thanks with tomorrow? I've got some regular ol' Sam Adams in the fridge but was thinking of stopping tonight and maybe grabbing a couple Samuel Smiths or something more upscale like that. Mmmmm, beer....

11-25-2004, 02:45 AM
What kind of brew do you have on hand for giving thanks with tomorrow? I've got some regular ol' Sam Adams in the fridge but was thinking of stopping tonight and maybe grabbing a couple Samuel Smiths or something more upscale like that. Mmmmm, beer....

I got a case of my old standby, Hofbrau Munchen original lager (I like it better than their ale). I found a place that sells it for $18 a case so now I can claim it as my favorite cheap beer. :) My brother and his wife and a couple of my friends are coming by and are bringing Spaten, Sam Adams Boston lager, Murphy's, and Dirty Dick's ale plus an assortment of liquors fer the womenfolk so we're pretty well covered . . . for quite a bit more than a four day weekend. Looks like I won't have to buy beer again until 2005. :)