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10-22-2004, 11:14 AM

new(er) project from ex-Botch dudes called These Arms Are Snakes.

Sounds like fun!


mad rhetorik
10-25-2004, 10:58 AM

new(er) project from ex-Botch dudes called These Arms Are Snakes.

Sounds like fun!


Yes indeed, that sounds killer. Not what I would have expected from ex-Botch members, but hey, noisecore's starting to become a genre filled with imitations as it is.

BTW, I need to get familiar with Drive Like Jehu and Rocket From The Crypt. I've heard some Hot Snakes and think they rawk, but I haven't heard their parent bands (which from what I gather is a indie-hipster crime of serious magnitude). ; P

Oh yeah, and I just got <b>We Are The Romans</b>. Review coming down the pike (and check your mail soon Jar--you may be in for a twofer).

10-25-2004, 01:54 PM
BTW, I need to get familiar with Drive Like Jehu and Rocket From The Crypt. I've heard some Hot Snakes and think they rawk, but I haven't heard their parent bands (which from what I gather is a indie-hipster crime of serious magnitude). ; P

just listening to Drive Like Jehu and Rocket from the Crypt, it's nearly impossible to tell that they have members in common. DLJ is high power math rock, similar to Don Caballero but with more hooks and vocals.. RFTC is more of a party band, lots of classic rock hooks.. but very energetic as well.
