View Full Version : Bye-bye judge Roy Moore.
11-13-2003, 03:28 PM
Can't say that I'm sorry to see you out of a job! I'm sure we have not heard the last of you!
Pat D
11-14-2003, 05:57 AM
Can't say that I'm sorry to see you out of a job! I'm sure we have not heard the last of you!
Well, he may run for governor, and a lot of idiots would vote for him. Here's the best account of the legal issues involved, which shows that ex-judge Moore has misrepresented the nature of the case:
What a joke firing that man. As a atheist, I have no ax to grind. What was wrong with the 10 commandments there?
No God in court! What a pathic joke.
Is everyone required to remove the paper money from their pockets when they enter a court? No. Why not?
It's says right on the back of the money "In God We Trust"
When you testify in the very court he presided over or for that matter every court room including the room of the great men that booted him out of his job! You are required to put your hand on a Bible and swear to god.
I had to swear to god when I testified once. What's the problem?
What is wrong with the 10 commandments?
Do they tell people that they are superior to others? No.
Do they say this religion is wrong and this religion is right? No
Can they be misinterpreted like the Quaran? No
What's the problem?
11-14-2003, 02:12 PM
1. Do you believe in a seperation of Church and State? I do.
2. , Whats wrong with keeping God and the Ten Commandments were they belong, in Church? What is the purpose of putting them in the courthouse? I too am an Athiest, and I never understood why I have to swear on the Bible. So why have it? So people who believe (in God) and swear to him to tell the truth and do not, well guess were they go? Why is "In God We Trust" on money? What does God have to do with currency? Who put it on currency? Congress, that who. Sounds like Government pushing Christianity to me.
3. The Ten Commandments are a religous doctrine. That is exactly what Former Judge Roy Moore was doing, pushing his Chriatain beliefs. Did you hear his take on other religions. Not very nice. You think he would have allowed a religious doctrine to be represended in his courthouse other than a Chritsain one? I doubt he would. This the founding fathers would not have allowed. This is one reason they left England and the Church of England. Religious freedom!
4. The Quaran is a religious book like the Bible. You can not compare it to the Ten commandments. You would have to compare the Ten Commandments to laws within the Quaran. And yes, the Bible is has misinterpreted. A lot of wars have been waged in the name of God, as well as Allah.
Lastly, the problem as I see it is that Former Judge Roy Moore was pushing HIS christain beliefs wtihout the prespect of other reigions being ackonwledged in HIS courthouse. He (being part of government) was pushing reigion, a no-no to me. As I stated I subscribe to the idea of a speration between Church and State. That is why I feel like I do.
So what do you think?
Pat D
11-15-2003, 07:26 PM
When you testify in the very court he presided over or for that matter every court room including the room of the great men that booted him out of his job! You are required to put your hand on a Bible and swear to god.
I had to swear to god when I testified once. What's the problem?
What is wrong with the 10 commandments?
Do they tell people that they are superior to others? No.
Do they say this religion is wrong and this religion is right? No
Can they be misinterpreted like the Quaran? No
What's the problem?GTF
Well, you should not have to swear on the Bible or to God if you don't want to. I don't think it is legal to require this.
I provided a link to an explanation of the legal issues on the OCRT site, but you seem not to have read it.
As well, you do not seem to actually know much about the content of the Ten Commandments, so here is another link:
And, equally relevant, is Mr. Moore's views on religion, the application of biblical laws, and other religions. Here's another interesting link:
I wouldn't feel I could get a fair hearing in his courtroom, and I'm a Christian!
Of course, Mr. Moore doesn't seem to know very well what is in his Bible, either, as lesbianism is not mentioned anywhere in the Old Testament and certainly not in Leviticus.
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