Anyone heard the Futureheads? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Anyone heard the Futureheads?

10-20-2004, 07:53 AM
Their self-titled debut album has been on my Wish List for a couple months now after reading some reviews of it. It's been out in Europe for a while, and I believe it's going to be released in the U.S. next week. Anyway, the local record store had a promo copy playing while I was there, and it was good enough that I had to find out who it was. I definitely heard an influence of Wire, Gang of Four, and their ilk. I didn't hear the whole thing, but enough of it that I'll definitely get it when it's released here.

Anyone heard it?

10-20-2004, 08:49 AM
Their self-titled debut album has been on my Wish List for a couple months now after reading some reviews of it. It's been out in Europe for a while, and I believe it's going to be released in the U.S. next week.
Yeah, I remember looking around the net a couple months ago trying to find a good price for it but struck out. I really wanted it at the time too. Love all the XTC comparisons and the song I heard really had me all hot and excited. But no fulfillment:(

Glad to hear it's coming our way now. I'll definitely be in line for it as well. I expect it'll never live up to some of the silly British hype that it was initially greeted with, but like you heard, it does sound to me like they have a good ear for picking the <i>right</i> influences :)

NP: Yo La Tengo's Electr-O-Pura - aged like a fine wine and still sharp enough to reach my heart like a knife through butter....from one of my favorite album openers in "Decora" to my favorite closer in "Blue Line Swinger"....a first class ticket to the land of bliss....

<i>Out of darkness
You will come around
I know you will
I know you will </i>