View Full Version : The best mains for under $700/pair?
Lord Nikon
10-19-2004, 06:01 PM
Like the topic says guys, what are the best mains out for under $700 a pair? :)
Here is my setup, per request:
Yamaha HTR-5760
L/R Mains:
Ascend Acoustics CBM-170
Center Channel:
Ascend Acoustics CMT-340c
Velodyne 10" front-firing
My plan is to replace the CBM-170 Mains with something bigger/better and move the 170's to my surrounds to complete my 5.1 surround sound system.
Would you consider all these recommendations equal if not superior to the Ascend Acoustics CMT-340 Mains? I am unlikely going to be able to audtion them all, but opinions do matter to me.
The best is subjective since no one person has heard everything - I can tell you whayt I would buy for$700.00 or less based off what i have heard.
The Audio Note AX Two standmount speakers for $550.00US List and a seto of SKylan Stands for $200.00Canadian - Easily both can be had for under $700.00US.
I reviewed them on this thread There are some corrections and I posted a link to others on another forum who bought em. Tough to find a dealer but woirth it if you can. My next choice would be the Dynaudio Audience 42 - but the stands would put you over your budget and they're difficult to drive properly. SOme like Magnepan so might bve worth a shot - in the end it's still preference
good luck.
10-19-2004, 06:16 PM
What's the proposed use? What kind of sound are you looking for? Space issues? Floorstanding or standmount? What have you listened to so far?
Lord Nikon
10-19-2004, 06:20 PM
They will be for home theater and music.... the rest of my speakers are ascend audio, but I would like to believe that I am not restricted to a 100% Ascend Ascoustic ssystem... am I? I have listend to Polk R50, and Ascend Acoustics so far only.
10-19-2004, 06:51 PM
You might want to listen to some Paradigm products. I have listened to them, and they are very nice. You can look on this site for some reviews of the 7 series, which would be in the price range you are looking at. I believe the 7s are in the v4 series now.
N. Abstentia
10-19-2004, 07:03 PM
Give another nod to Paradigm. The Studio 20's are phenomenal. Definitely give them a demo.
10-20-2004, 07:53 AM
May want to look at the Odyssey Epiphany (, Onix Rocket RS550 (, ACI Emerald ( the Swan Diva 4.1BC ( All have their plusses and minuses but give you more options.
10-20-2004, 08:23 AM
My two recommendations without any regard to the other equipment you'd be using would be either a pair of Vandersteen 1c's (floorstanding) or a pair of Totem Rainmakers (standmount).
Lord Nikon
10-20-2004, 08:42 AM
Here is my setup, per request:
Yamaha HTR-5760
L/R Mains:
Ascend Acoustics CBM-170
Center Channel:
Ascend Acoustics CMT-340c
Velodyne 10" front-firing
My plan is to replace the CBM-170 Mains with something bigger/better and move the 170's to my surrounds to complete my 5.1 surround sound system.
Would you consider all these recommendations equal if not superior to the Ascend Acoustics CMT-340 Mains? I am unlikely going to be able to audtion them all, but opinions do matter to me.
10-20-2004, 09:00 AM
If you've heard the Ascend Acoustics and you like it, then you might do very well for yourself by buying it. Like many have stated, speakers are very subjective. Some of the ones that are often recommended as value leaders, Swan, Ascend, Axiom, etc.. they are direct to consumer brands that you can't actually audition at a store. I believe some of them let you try at home with a 30-day guarantee or something though.
Ascend makes well respected speakers. I've never heard them, so i can't comment. But of the speakers that i have heard under $700US, the ones i suggested are my favourites, though they are both very different sounding.
I however would urge you to try and listen to some more speakers outside of Paradigm and Ascend. Then try and find a pair online used, since you get way better value.
Edited, because you did :) - Since you have Ascend Speakers all around, you might do better sticking with the same brand for your mains.
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