Yo, JC, You Making a Halloween '04 Disc This Year? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Yo, JC, You Making a Halloween '04 Disc This Year?

10-15-2004, 04:51 AM
Enquiring minds want to know...........................


Jim Clark
10-15-2004, 01:49 PM
got on it a bit late to have actually gotten it out in time. I did have a couple of tracks I kept in mind. Some from Lou Reed's "The Raven" , some Rob Zombie, Clan Of xymox and most notoriously, Stan Ridgway's "Monsters Of The Id" which would have been classic. bummer.


10-15-2004, 02:10 PM
"Monsters of the Id" is really cool live. It's even more sinister.

Jim Clark
10-15-2004, 02:25 PM
"Monsters of the Id" is really cool live. It's even more sinister.

Rub it in why don't ya, you lousy bum.

Stan last came to KC, I dunno 16-17 years ago. I do have the satisfaction of having seen with WOV and on his solo leg when he played at the Grand Emporium. Since then, nada. Guess he didn't really make the money he thought he deserved although the place was packed even though it's a smallish venue. Despite some sporadic evidence to the contrary, there is life outside of CA. Just wish he'd realize that.
