What are my Celestions? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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10-11-2004, 04:46 AM
I just bought a pair of bookshelf Celestions at a garage sale. I'm trying to figure out what
model they are and any placement recommendations, general info. Also, how does one
get wax out of a speaker grill? The speaker dimensions are:

7 inches deep
7 and 1/4" wide
12 and 1/8" high
They are enclosed in a black veneer, black grills with Celestion logo at center bottom.

The back panels have red and black banana(?) plugs--I'm not sure because I'm new to this lingo--with the following info on the panels:


Thanks! :confused:

10-12-2004, 01:33 AM
Cant help with the model....sounds like a pair of celestion 3's from the late 80's but i think they had a number 3 with the logo.

As for your wax problem try some boiling water to heat the wax then while the water in the grill is still hot dab the grill with a paper towel or absorbant cloth, this might draw out the wax. It worked for me when candle wax dripped on my carpet.

10-14-2004, 07:12 AM
Cant help with the model....sounds like a pair of celestion 3's from the late 80's but i think they had a number 3 with the logo.

As for your wax problem try some boiling water to heat the wax then while the water in the grill is still hot dab the grill with a paper towel or absorbant cloth, this might draw out the wax. It worked for me when candle wax dripped on my carpet.

Thanks for the info--I'm going to try the wax thing as soon as I can, and hopefully I won't be reporting back about a congealed blob of plastic(I suppose I'll test out a small patch of the grill).

Are these Celestions supposed to be any good? So far they have a nice, tight and detailed sound, obviously not heavy or so clear in the bass. I'm curious about decent bookshelf speakers since we're short on space and I'm not a bass maniac.