Arcam Diva CD73T Any opinions? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Arcam Diva CD73T Any opinions?

10-06-2004, 07:08 AM
Hello, Although I have not auditioned it yet, I've read good things about it. I have a 2 channel set up with an inexpensive Marantz CD player. I'm heavily invested in Red Book CDs & I have no interest in home theater, SACD or DVD-A. I would like a CD player that does a good job of extracting the data on my CDs & is very musical. Thanks in advance, Michael

Ambient fish
10-06-2004, 08:20 AM
Hi Michael, until June this year I owned an Arcam CD73T (had it for about 2 years with never a problem) and the only reason I said goodbuy to it was that I had managed to save enough cash to finally get hold of an Arcam CD23T.

The CD73T is an excellent CD spinner and if you decide to purchase it I am sure that you will not be dissapointed, it is a dynamic detailed player which is also very musical, however in the interest of fairness you should also audition the Cambridge Audio Azure 640C, I think this is the current model designation, good luck

10-06-2004, 08:45 AM
I've had my CD73 for about 4 months now and I absolutely love it. I made the lateral move from a Rega Planet 2000 to the Arcam as the Rega wouldn't play certain CD-R's and the Arcam had no problems with them.

The fact that it's upgradeable to CD192 status was also appealing. It's a fine player in the under $1000 segment. The fact that it can be had for less than $600 makes the deal even better.

You owe it to yourself to audition as many as possible including the Cambridge Audio model mentioned above. Models from Rega, Roksan, Music Hall, Creek and Rotel would appear to be the main competition.

Arcam's CD players are their bread & butter and they put a lot of thought into their designs. I opened my unit up to add a 3M steel damping sheet to the inside cover above the transport only to find they alread welded one in place!

Highly recommended!


10-06-2004, 09:35 AM
Thank you, Michael

10-06-2004, 03:17 PM
I can second, or is that third? the opinion on the Arcam.

10-06-2004, 04:33 PM
Hello, Although I have not auditioned it yet, I've read good things about it. I have a 2 channel set up with an inexpensive Marantz CD player. I'm heavily invested in Red Book CDs & I have no interest in home theater, SACD or DVD-A. I would like a CD player that does a good job of extracting the data on my CDs & is very musical. Thanks in advance, Michael
i have had one for about 4 months now and like it a is very musical for the price. it does require run in time before sounding its best and i know this sounds odd but mine needs to be turned on for about 15 minutes before sounding its best,so i just leave it on all the time so know problem.
if you choose it enjoy

10-06-2004, 04:44 PM
i have had one for about 4 months now and like it a is very musical for the price. it does require run in time before sounding its best and i know this sounds odd but mine needs to be turned on for about 15 minutes before sounding its best,so i just leave it on all the time so know problem.
if you choose it enjoy

I will often "run up" the system for a half hour or so before I do any serious listening. I also leave all my components on, especially the amp.

Ambient fish
10-07-2004, 07:41 AM
Hi musicman1999, this seems to be a common trait of Arcam CD spinners, my CD73T and CD23T both require 10-15 minutes of warm up time, however, this is not a problem as I usually get home around 7 in the evening and switch on my amp and CD player to let it warm up whilst I have some tea and a bath, by the time this process has been completed my gear is ready to rock.

I've had my CD23T since the beginning of June and it is still improving, it is much smoother now and it is giving it's best in the detail department.

My equipment is listed in my signature Michael, I happen to really like the sound of KEF speakers with their concentric drivers and consequent excellent off axis performance and huge sound stage, I'm not sure if there is a US speaker manufacturer that uses this technique, but if there is you should give any speaker constructed in this manner an audition.

10-07-2004, 07:58 AM
Thanks again, Michael