I have an opportunity to go analog . . . [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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10-06-2004, 03:54 AM
Gentlemen (and Ladies), I have come upon an opportunity to acquire a Turntable and a collection of LPs. Specifically, it's a Denon DP-62L. I have always wanted a turntable . . . I will have to get a phono stage and interconnects, of course. Any advice from you knowledgeable folks? Your comments are very much appreciated.

Pat D
10-06-2004, 05:10 AM
Gentlemen (and Ladies), I have come upon an opportunity to acquire a Turntable and a collection of LPs. Specifically, it's a Denon DP-62L. I have always wanted a turntable . . . I will have to get a phono stage and interconnects, of course. Any advice from you knowledgeable folks? Your comments are very much appreciated.
Denon made a good turntable with a pretty good tone arm. Yes, you will have to get a phono stage if your whatever you have doesn't have one. There are a number of outboard phono stages. NAD makes one for not too much money and it should be as good as the ones on their receivers, which is to say very good. The interconnect between the outboard phono stage and your receiver/amplifier don't need to be anything special or expensive.

The only interconnect that counts much is the one on the turntable.

What sort of phono cartridge do you have? That's one thing that does make a difference.

One can find a lot of good music on used LPs for not very much money these days as so many people are selling them flea markets, yard sales, even fund raising sales at the library. We have picked up quite a few that way (also used CDs). I don't think I would bother to buy a new LP today as there are better formats.

I suggest you get a record cleaning brush like the Discwasher. Ian Masters doesn't recommend using record cleaning fluid unless absolutely necessary.


10-06-2004, 06:36 AM
Are you familiar with this particular TT? I have not even seen it yet - trying to get the guy to get it out of his attic! Did several Internet searches and no luck yet. Thanks for taking the time to reply to me.

10-06-2004, 10:04 AM
Are you familiar with this particular TT? I have not even seen it yet - trying to get the guy to get it out of his attic! Did several Internet searches and no luck yet. Thanks for taking the time to reply to me.

Have you checked Denon's site? They have a discontinued products archive and I found some info on the 62F but not a 62L. Are you certain of the model number? It's important because the 62F has a built in phono stage which negates the need for an outboard box. Whatever you get, you may find that LP's provide more musical pleasure than any other consumer format. That's if and only if you clean your records faithfully and completely.

If you do need an outboard phono stage, look into those from NAD, Parasound and Creek. If you like to buy online, check out www.needledoctor.com, www.amusicdirect.com or www.audioadvisor.com. As for interconnects, I'd need to know more about this table before I could recommend anything. Better phono cables do tend to improve the sound but there are so many possibilities!

10-06-2004, 10:40 AM
Appreciate your comments. He may have gotten the model wrong. I will check out Denon's site.

10-06-2004, 04:28 PM
You can save a LOT of money buying the Little RAT phono stage over the Creek, NAD's etc. The Little Rat sounds very good and threads posted at Audio Asylum have argued JUST as good as those from some of these other far more expensive models. The Little RAT is sold at Radio Shack suprisingly and runs about $40.00Cdn. $30.00US. It requires a 9 Volt battery.

I have one as a back-up in case the amplifier I want comes up used and the version doesn't have a phono stage.

Can't say anythig about the Denon - try to get a belt drive table. My research has shown that Direct Drive tables have skewed their numbers to look better on paper but are far worse when other measurements, not done by most of the indusry, are used. And direct drive isn't necessarily either.

I don't know which the Denon is.

10-07-2004, 12:09 AM
What brand is the little rat?
i have enquired about a phono pre at radio shack and the one they showed me was 50 bux.

10-07-2004, 04:52 PM
It's not called the Little Rat it is just the Radio Shack Phono stage - it is a name the Audio-Asylum folks made up for it.

I want to stress that this is NOT the end all be all phono stage - but it compares well with those up in the $200.00-$300.00Cdn range - so I mean that is way more than one can expect. Actually you are right I think it was $49.99 and I may have had a coupon or something or it was on sale.

If you get one ask them if it's returnable in case you don't like it. Thet seem pretty good at the Rat Shack - (hey that's why they call it the little rat).

10-09-2004, 11:12 AM
well it dont really matter if its returnable...not for me
Girlfriend's parents want one
who am I to say "no I dont have time to look for one for you"

10-09-2004, 02:58 PM
Well it works great - I'm pretty sure someone on AA took it apart and said the inside was on a parts quality EXACTLY the same as a $600.00 Grado phono stage. Grado gives you a mahogony box around it which might of cost them $4.50.

Radio Shack may be horrible for their electronics but it's nice to see some of the Audiophile on AA give credit where it's due to something like the Little Rat.

10-11-2004, 07:47 PM
Gentlemen (and Ladies), I have come upon an opportunity to acquire a Turntable and a collection of LPs. Specifically, it's a Denon DP-62L. I have always wanted a turntable . . . I will have to get a phono stage and interconnects, of course. Any advice from you knowledgeable folks? Your comments are very much appreciated.
GO MAN GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a totally digital system....I 'saw the light' when I re-intoduced analog into the mix...
I love my LP player.