Hsu Research signal detection failure- Please Help!! [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Hsu Research signal detection failure- Please Help!!

10-03-2004, 06:43 PM
I got the old VTF-2; now, the sub stays on the standby mode all the time, even when the source is playing. Apparently this is a common failure. Any idea how this can be fixed, or if i can bypass the auto on/off feature?........Many thanks !!!

10-18-2004, 05:13 PM
I too have the old VTF-2, at least I'm pretty sure I do (my amp is rated at 250 Watts, instead of the stated 150 Watts)... I've had it just over a year now and have had some annoyances with signal switching (not like yours but none-the-less) so I decided to see how to make switching more sensitive. How is it connected to your receiver? I've found that using a single RCA input is ok, but using a splitter to hook up both of them results in more sensitive signal switching (your music can be on softer, but the sub more easily recognizes a signal). Also, I've had a lot of luck just using the sub as a crossover for my speakers and connecting it via speakerwire. That, is actually how I recommend doing it as you get a more natural blend that depends far less on your receiver's steppings and more on your ear. Hope that all made sense and works out for you.

10-19-2004, 06:12 AM
What kind of interconnect are you using? Is it good/decent cabling? I'm not one of this guys saying "go out and buy $1,000 cables but a good $30.00 might the the answer. Also clean and check the connectors see if anythings corroded or loose...

Da Worfster

Pat D
10-19-2004, 10:32 AM
I don't know how your receiver or the Hsu VTF-2 are configured but here is something that worked with my subwoofer. If you can vary the gain to the subwoofer from your receiver and also have a gain control on the subwoofer, try turning the sub volume on the receiver up and the sub volume on the Hsu down. This presupposes the signal sensor is prior to the sub's volume control. I use an external crossover for convenience but I have it's gain up and the sub's gain turned up only to about 9 o'clock and this works fine. When I first got the sub, the sub would not turn on unless the music signal was loud, but after turning the sub's gain down so that it need a stronger signal to obtain the proper levels, it works fine if the recording has low frequency material in it.

10-25-2004, 12:59 PM
I got the old VTF-2; now, the sub stays on the standby mode all the time, even when the source is playing. Apparently this is a common failure. Any idea how this can be fixed, or if i can bypass the auto on/off feature?........Many thanks !!!

I'll hope the power supply in your "older VTF2" is OK.
I had 2 of the older VTF2's and both power supplies
went bad. You can bypass the auto on/off, I just don't
know how to do it. You can call HSU at 800-554-0150
and maybe they can help you. When my first
VTF would not play (red light on all the time) I took apart
the sub, thinking it my be a fuse or something simple
like that, but no such luck. I live 60 miles from Anaheim
(their headquarters), so I took the sub to them, and they
said the power supply was bad. They could fix it for $100
or so, or upgrade it to the new and improved power supply
for $150. I opted for the upgrade, and had them bypass
the auto/on/off (green led on all the time). The upgrade is
actually pretty nice, sub has goes deeper faster (more slam)
24db per octive verses 12db. Same thing happened to 2nd sub.
Anyways, since you origonal post was on 10/3 and last reply
was on 10/19 I figure you hopefully have the problem fixed.
I just am replying to help you out, or anyone else who has had
this problem with this paticular HSU sub. I'm a little upset with
my experences with the VTF2's (naturally), but I'm still happy
with the sound........they do make very fine subs.
