Help a newbie with speaker stands [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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09-27-2004, 07:46 AM
Just invested in a pair of Polk Audio RT7's and I'm currently scrambling to find stands for them before they arrive. They are fairly large speakers, 19" tall, with a 9.5x11.5" footprint.

Questions I have then:

How big should the bases, top and bottom be for these speakers?
Most I see are 6.5-7" top bases, with bottom bases that would be smaller than the speakers, is this sturdy enough?

How should the speakers be attached to the stands? (I'm assuming no drilling?)

Since the speakers are so tall, would I want 24" stands or would 18" do it?

Anyone have any recommendations for a fairly cheap set?

09-27-2004, 10:51 AM
How big should the bases, top and bottom be for these speakers? Most I see are 6.5-7" top bases, with bottom bases that would be smaller than the speakers, is this sturdy enough?It's hard to say whether that top-plate will be wide enough. Personally, I think the top-plate should be the same as the footprint of the speaker.

How should the speakers be attached to the stands? (I'm assuming no drilling?)Try BluTak or something similar. You can go to Home Depot and pick it up. BluTak is like puddy but sticks like a sonnuvagun. Beware, you must twist your speaker off once it's adhered because BluTak has been known to tear off the vinyl wrap of speaker boxes. The HD equivalent isn't quite as tenacious yet works quite well also.

Since the speakers are so tall, would I want 24" stands or would 18" do it?Whatever height puts the tweeter at ear level at your listening position.

Anyone have any recommendations for a fairly cheap set?Define "cheap". If you don't have to worry about young 'uns or drunk roommates toppling over your new toys, any number of manufacturers from Sanus, Target, or SoundOrganisation should fit the bill. You might even try DIY. I like my Skylan Stands as they were relatively inexpensive ($200 Canadian) and Noel will custom make them to fit your speakers and needs. The top plate is an exact match for my speakers and we oversized the base to maximize it's stability. One really cool feature is that he purposely rear-biases the location of the top plate. Because speakers are front heavy from the drivers, this centers the speaker weight over the center of the stand. Smart.

Hope this helps.

09-27-2004, 11:09 AM
I was hoping for closer to the $100 or less mark, although those do look nice (and tempting!)...

Anything in that range that will have a decent sized base? Why are so many bases so small when large bookshelfs are hardly unheard of...

And where in the heck do you buy metal shot to fill a base with?

Thanks for the reply

09-27-2004, 12:46 PM
i think they are 18" tall quite low to the floor but slanted write me @

here's a link
I think mine are the second to the left. let me know

Peace, Pogue

09-27-2004, 04:12 PM
I was hoping for closer to the $100 or less mark, although those do look nice (and tempting!)...

Anything in that range that will have a decent sized base? Why are so many bases so small when large bookshelfs are hardly unheard of...

And where in the heck do you buy metal shot to fill a base with?

Thanks for the reply
You can buy metal shot at an ammo supply store. Personally, I use play sand as it's cheaper and readily available at HD. I mass loaded my stands solely for stability and when filled, the stands alone weigh 35-40lbs, more than enough, imo.