Flames? FLAMES?...I din see no stinkin'... [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Flames? FLAMES?...I din see no stinkin'...

Resident Loser
09-08-2004, 10:43 AM
...flames...did anyone else?

And yet snap goes the Kwikset...

I din see no insults...I din hear no keys and locks rattle when Sir TtT responded to it...TWICE...ooops! sorry, THRICE!...

Maybe all the threads in all the forums should be locked because they have the potential to be answered in an unflattering way...or provoke thought...or promote tooth decay...

But hey, I said all I needed to...

By your deeds they shall know you...

jimHJJ(...just another cherry on top...)

09-08-2004, 01:47 PM
Regardless of who's right or wrong, the thread seems to have become a petty shouting match between everyone involved. It should have been closed way before it was. Move on. Like it or not, this site is a business and it will be run by who ever keeps it in business, which in this case is the advertisers. If you don't like it, don't post. Simple as that. Personal attacks belong in PMs, not the forums regardless of who is attacking and who is right or wrong.


09-08-2004, 03:52 PM
What thread? Which forum? I'd like to see what the moderators consider inappropriate. Really.

Can you provide a link?

karl k
09-08-2004, 04:21 PM
Since I don't have anything to lose in providing fuel, go to cable forum... check out the "locked" topics/discussions. One I can't find any longer was titled "Is this a joke or what?" but there is another there if you look.

Resident Loser
09-09-2004, 05:09 AM
...there was no shouting...no personal attacks...it was a clarification of some misinformation disseminated by SirTtT...Oh, you did read the locked and now deleted thread("Is this a joke or what?") didn't you? If you did, you know the facts, if not, I suggest you not make any comments...

It seems as though certain folks, when backed into a corner by the truth, rely on the Draconian and the "delete" key rather than their own mettle...so much for the myth of "terror"...And you are correct, it(the above captioned one) probably should have been moved or otherwise ended(and as I alluded to in the now deleted thread)...but to have a three-time participant arbitrarily lock AND delete it just shows ta go ya'...everything was okee-dokee until I chose to challenge said misinformation...it then became a source of a "potential flame war", or so the reasoning goes...but from whom? Not me, I said all I hadda'...nothing to add, nothing to defend or argue over...the truth rarely is...but some people can't handle the truth...

For the record, the whole enchilada was started by the fellow with the keys(as was the post(s) that spawned the deleted one)...in a public forum...and it should have been concluded as it began. He decided to re-open the topic in the thread started by markw instead of letting it be...not me!

jimHJJ(...now, what was that you were saying?...)

Resident Loser
09-09-2004, 09:12 AM
...but it was in "Cables" and was started by markw with the caption of "Is this a joke or what?" One of the mods previously stated any shennanigans with his nom d'qwerty would be seen as a "personal attack"...I'll try to recreate the deleted threads content, here in "off topic"...I mean that was part of the rationale for it being locked, wasn't it? Wrong place?

Some of the salient points were:

Todd's bad inferrential western melodrama...

Chris Gs...attempts at badmouthing all objectivists and jneutron in particular(with no reprimand mind you)...

Sir TtTs tacit approval of CGs post and use of the word "retarded" in ref to the objectivists...

After three of Sir TtTs posts to this thread...one of which contained blatant misinfo re: me and my supposed "personal" attacks on his moniker...I responded to clarify said misinfo and said it was specifically for that purpose and that purpose alone...

I explained yes, I had previously referred to him as "T cubed" and "T3"...and as his adamant stance continued I used "t3(note the lower case)" as he had lowered himself IME with such intransigence...then "t square" to denote a further exponential drop in standing and finally "t-bone" as his argument had no meat, no substance...

After FLZ responded, the thread was unilaterally deemed too incendiary and locked...I then started this thread and then blow-in-de-hole...this AM, that other thread was gone...fancy that! Nasty stuff that "truth"...

Who know's if anyone will even get to peruse this?

jimHJJ(...and that's my story an' I'm stickin' to it...)

09-09-2004, 01:10 PM
[QUOTE=Resident Loser]...there was no shouting...no personal attacks...it was a clarification of some misinformation disseminated by SirTtT...Oh, you did read the locked and now deleted thread("Is this a joke or what?") didn't you? If you did, you know the facts, if not, I suggest you not make any comments...QUOTE]

Yes, I did read the thread before it was deleted and it was a waste of thread space. Both sides have valid points but in the end, I doubt anything is going to change. It seems both "sides" don't want to let it go and keep reintroducing new threads. Just like this one, for example. If you and others are intent on going out in a "Blaze of Glory" by getting banned for everyone to see, then do it already.

I respect and understand both sides of "situation" and I have always looked to yourself and others involved (on both sides) with the same respect. But come on! This is getting old and petty. The thread mentioned above is, was a microcosm of the bigger beaf with Mgmt.

Like I said before the advertisers pay the bills and they will be appeased (sp?), right or wrong. Simple as that. We, the forum members, are a small part of AR and have very little say in regards to how things are done here. Mgmt knows that if some forum longtimer's leave, others will fill their shoes. I am not saying I agree with this, but I am not sure we really have a big voice in this. I for one prefer to watch it play out and see if this will remain a place I like to visit. Maybe, maybe not. If it's not, there are several other forums out there.

Anyway, no disrepect intended. Just trying to give an outside view. :D


Resident Loser
09-10-2004, 04:50 AM
...I respectfully disagree on all points...

"...it was a waste of thread space..."

IYO, perhaps...IMO, this whole place is a waste of space...particularly now...

"...Both sides have valid points..."

My position was misrepresented AND I was misquoted...the concept of "both" is inoperative...What would you do in that situation? And no, I'm not the bigger man as has been attested to by Sir TtT...

"...I respect and understand both sides of "situation..."

No, I don't feel that you do...again, there is no "both"..one is fact, the other fiction...

"...It seems both "sides" don't want to let it go..."

Again, I let it go...it was the other party who who blew it out of proportion and mis-stated the scenario...

"...a microcosm of the bigger beaf with Mgmt..."

Nope...sorry, it was a beef with a blatantly, self-serving post from one individual...mgmt will do what it will do for hits, ain't squat I can do about it...

"...We, the forum members, are a small part of AR..."

Without the forum members, THERE IS NO AR...where do you think the marketing data comes from...Who do you think the "lab rats" are?


09-11-2004, 06:45 PM


09-12-2004, 08:51 PM


Well said. For once, you have a good point! :eek: :D :p