Impulse Buy Of The Year? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Impulse Buy Of The Year?

mad rhetorik
08-26-2004, 08:54 AM
So, I'm buying books today at the college store, and decide to rifle thru the music racks quick just for laughs. Generally the racks are full of putrid wares--mainstream "gan$ta" rap, DMB and similar jam band dreck, Jimmy Buffet greatest hits albums, etc. A few scattered "Pitchfork crowd" albums in there, but by and large really awful CloudyChannel-sponsored sh<a>it.

Anyway, I'm scanning the racks and RIGHT IN FRONT is a copy of the Dillinger Escape Plan's new release <b>Miss Machine</b>. Filed next to Celine Dion, of all things! I just about shat myself--no good metal albums typically make it here, much less anything from Relapse. As I walked up to the counter, a cashier even commented on my good taste (!).

I haven't listened to the album yet, but the buzz suggests that <b>Miss Machine</b> stomps serious ass. DEP's earlier <b>Calculating Infinity</b> set the bar very high, so I'll have to listen to the two albums back-to-back and see how they compare. Look for a future post sometime soon.