07-15-2004, 09:44 AM
<img src=http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0001VNCJY.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg align=left hspace=5>Any Todd Rundgren fans out there that have heard his latest from a few months ago? Many are saying it's his best since the double LP glory days of Something/Anything? and certainly better than anything else he's done recently. I'm always a little hesitant when an artist takes such total control of the music, doing their own recording and mixing and production in their own studio in Hawaii (now that sounds like the good life to me) and doing all the writing and all the vocals and playing all the instruments. I'm often left thinking that it might've been better with some extra creative input to shape the songs. A classic case is that first McCartney album but there have been many others throughout the years, such as one or a few by Adrien Belew. I guess when an artist has been around as long as Rundgren, and done production chores for many others as well, he probably wouldn't benefit much from the input of others. In fact, most people would probably be leery of giving him advice knowing his "credentials". I do have to say that if he is solely responsible for that goofy cover, then maybe he should have sought out someone with better artistic vision than his own. Namely, just about anyone! Anyway, be interesting to hear some feedback on the music (or artwork) if anyone here has heard it yet.