Diastasis Recti [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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06-10-2024, 08:11 AM
After my recent pregnancy, I’ve been diagnosed with Diastasis Recti and need guidance on how to proceed. I’ve come across various suggestions, from online exercise programs to consultations with physical therapists. For those who have dealt with this condition, what steps did you take to improve your abdominal separation, and did you find certain methods more effective than others?

06-10-2024, 12:07 PM
After dealing with Diastasis Recti after my pregnancy, I looked for advice from different sources. What stood out to me was the Restore Your Core program by Lauren, who is knowledgeable in yoga and Pilates. This program here (https://restoreyourcore.com/) focuses on healing rather than intense workouts, which was important to me. Using the RYC Method, I found a gentle yet effective way to address not only Diastasis Recti but also related issues like back pain and pelvic floor problems. With regular practice, I saw gradual improvements in my abdominal separation and overall core strength. While everyone's experience is different, I found this program to be very helpful in my recovery and would suggest giving it a try as part of your healing process.