Is it ok to take CBD with other medications? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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08-06-2021, 08:59 AM
Is it ok to take CBD with other medications? Can I get some bad side effects?

08-10-2021, 06:14 AM
Good day. I think it depends on what exactly medicine you will take and for what purpose. In general as I know CBD does not negatively interact with any other medication directly. But better will be to get consultations from doctor. I also can share website with high quality cbd there you can find a store near you.

09-02-2021, 11:54 PM
Hey! If you want to feel better and forget about headaches and constant stress, then I know I can help you! Go to and watch the best Vibes CBD oil! By the way, if you are interested in learning about the company, then go to the column "about us". It was interesting for me to read! Good luck to all!

01-21-2022, 02:17 PM
Hey! Yes, you can get some side effects that, in combination with SBD, will give you a strong hallucinogenic boost. In general, if you mix something wrong, you will create a real drug in your body.

01-21-2022, 02:21 PM
Hey! I do not advise you to interfere with any drugs or tablets with CBD, I agree with the commentator above, this can cause an irreversible process that will negatively affect your head and body. I also advise taking CBD in the form of jelly sweets. I recently found one article about this, learn more ( I have already tried them myself and they are much better than oil or tablets. When you eat these jelly beans, they are better and decomposed and digested in your body.

11-11-2022, 01:04 AM
Hmm. I think that you need to be careful with the combination of such things and it's better to ask some professionals. Besides, you can also get some information about the best cbda oil ( as I love ordering it too from time to time and I just hope that it will be useful for you too. Good luck with it.

04-17-2023, 03:39 AM
I guess, CBD is very effective but society still blames people who take deal with weed or herbs. I can't understand what they have against cbd sprays In my opinion, this is an awesome means which helps many people to overcome their mental problems.