Seen any good sales on a CD-R 50-pack? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Seen any good sales on a CD-R 50-pack?

12-01-2003, 04:32 PM
I didn't get a copy of the Sunday paper so haven't seen any of the ads for this week. Anyone notice any super deal on a pack of CD-Rs? Someplace easy to find like Best Buy or Wal-Mart or OfficeMax or ....?

Rebates OK but cheap is good too. Thanks for any info. I'll check Best Buy online and see what's up there.

Finch Platte
12-01-2003, 04:58 PM
The day after Thanksgiving is the big day, remember?

Office Depot had 2 50-packs of their own blanks on sale for $12 for both, on Friday. They seem to be better than the Imations I was using. Man, I ran into a bad batch of 'em.

You might check the Office Depot site to see if they're still at that price.

Other than that... no suggestions.


Edit note: I got a Radio Shack flyer in the mail today- Philips blanks- 50-pack, $19.99 on sale, then a $15 RS rebate. I've never used Philips blanks, but if RS sells em, they're prolly crap :~D

12-01-2003, 05:02 PM
Maxell Music CD-R, spindle of 50 for $12.88. I don't usually buy these as they don't work in the Onkyo (come to think of it, nothing works in it these days, :( but I digress...) but that seems like a good, off the shelf, no rebate, everyday price. I was there today so thats why the price is fresh in what passes for my mind.

Finch Platte
12-01-2003, 05:10 PM
I think I owe you a disc (or two). Don't worry, I haven't forgotten- did you?

If not the latest Tom Jones, how about the new Blink 182? :~D


12-02-2003, 05:14 AM

Anyway, whatever you got. I remember us talking bout this a while back and there was a group mentioned but dammed if I can remember.

12-02-2003, 06:27 AM
I didn't get a copy of the Sunday paper so haven't seen any of the ads for this week. Anyone notice any super deal on a pack of CD-Rs? Someplace easy to find like Best Buy or Wal-Mart or OfficeMax or ....?

Rebates OK but cheap is good too. Thanks for any info. I'll check Best Buy online and see what's up there.

Since no one wants his comps, Finchy usually sends me one and throws in a fiver just to get me to listen. You could request one of his comps, and use the bribery to purchase your cdrs. Or even better, just ask him to send you a blank cdr in place of his comp.

But if you insist on buying them, I've decided after years of research, that the Fuji brand cdrs look the coolest. And if you have a CompUSA store in your area, they have this week 25 blanks with jewel cases for $3.33 after rebate.


12-02-2003, 01:52 PM
I just got this as part of an email from Office Max:

Fuji 30-Pack for $0.99 after rebates (

I don't know if you can get it at a B&M or only online...


Jim Clark
12-02-2003, 02:41 PM
19.87 for a 100 cnt. cake pack of Verbatim at Sam's Club. I don't like counting on rebates for the final price. Way too many times they seem to fall through the cracks and I have better things to do than keep track of those things. I'm at the point that if a rebate actually ever does get through the system and back to me I count it as a bonus.


12-02-2003, 03:56 PM
And if you have a CompUSA store in your area, they have this week 25 blanks with jewel cases for $3.33 after rebate.
Thanks for all the info guys, and I do have a CompUSA in my neighborhood so I stopped by and snagged one of those 25-packs a little while ago. Just right. Double thanks to you, JD :)