Hsu VTF-2 or Paradigm Pw-2100 Sub [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Hsu VTF-2 or Paradigm Pw-2100 Sub

12-01-2003, 12:25 PM
My brother is looking to pick up a sub for Christmas and has asked my opinion. He has narrowed it down to the HSU VTF-2 or the Paradigm Pw-2100. Does anybody have experience with both of these subwoofers? Since there is no where to audition the HSU and there is the extra cost to ship it to Canada he is undecided. Any input would be appreciated!

the hand of boredom
12-02-2003, 07:43 AM
Both subs are good products.

A friend of mine has an HSU sub (don't know which model), and it can play pretty frickin' loud. It could sound even better if he took the time to properly calibrate it. To me, he's set the level too high. However, it's built solidly and it can shake the foundation.

I have also heard the PW series subs from Paradigm. Not quite in the Servo15's league, but a good pounder none-the-less. It also plays really loud. If your friend is considering the sub for HT this would be a good buy. If musicality is important, tell him to consider the budget for the Servo15. The PW series subs just aren't quick enough for music listening at loud levels, IMO.

Hope this helps.


12-03-2003, 01:14 PM
I have both the Hsu VTF-2 and VTF-3 on my two HT systems. I'm a very happy man. When properly calibrated (they give you all you need save the SPL meter) they both perform like champs. The VTF-2 would handle all but the largest rooms by itself. It's tight, well made and small enough to hide damn near anywhere.... It's bigger brother is... BIG but it delivers big, I'm talking foundation cracking big, I've never been able to tax it in either music or HT. The VTF-3 though is big and ugly, if you can spare the cash and need the size, get the VTF-3 in the Rosewood option. Schweeet.

Da Worfster

12-03-2003, 02:22 PM
How do you find the VTF-2 for music? Is it accurate? Or would you say it more of a HT sub?

12-03-2003, 05:09 PM
I have both the Hsu VTF-2 and VTF-3 on my two HT systems. I'm a very happy man. When properly calibrated (they give you all you need save the SPL meter) they both perform like champs. The VTF-2 would handle all but the largest rooms by itself. It's tight, well made and small enough to hide damn near anywhere.... It's bigger brother is... BIG but it delivers big, I'm talking foundation cracking big, I've never been able to tax it in either music or HT. The VTF-3 though is big and ugly, if you can spare the cash and need the size, get the VTF-3 in the Rosewood option. Schweeet.

Da Worfster

There is a special thru AVS.com on the VTF-3 Rosewood for $849. BTW AV123 the company that makes the Rockets is making those cabinets in it's factory.

12-03-2003, 08:42 PM
Very, very musical. Tight, best 10-incher I've ever heard and I've heard a few but not SVS unfortunately. As a bass player if I can't pick out the bass lines and individual strokes on a few test records, either the subs not calibrated right or it's inferior. I definately love the Hsu's for music. But they handle HT equally as well at this price point. You could pay more for a "specialized" sub, but as an "audio enthusiast" they fill my needs.

Da Worfster

12-05-2003, 05:29 PM
How do you find the VTF-2 for music? Is it accurate? Or would you say it more of a HT sub?

Hsu doesn't make a non-musical sub. They make the tightest, cleanest, best sounding subs you'll likely ever hear.

I own the VTF-2, and have not yet been able to stress it with any music ever. I threw in the Propellerheads "decksanddrumsandrockandroll" cd. TONS of very quick bass in that cd. The Hsu doesn't even break a sweat. Great slam, and SUPER quick.

If you're thinking about the VTF-2, I'd suggest getting their new STF-2. It's basically a VTF-2 that's permanently set to max extension, which is pretty much how nearly all VTF owners keep their subs set anyway. It can be had for $399. ($350 at CompUSA if you're lucky).