The RaveReccer Formerly Known As RPM [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : The RaveReccer Formerly Known As RPM

05-20-2004, 06:26 PM
So I'm sitting at work yesterday, an I get this "you've got mail" pop-up, and who is the message from? None other than Rick - as he put it, the RaveReccer formerly known as RPM. Has he been MIA? AWOL?

Nah - seems he's been lurking around here. He even requested a copy of CRSv9, and was talking about a new comp he was cooking up.

C'mon Rick - the protest over the new site has got to end. Sign up will you and quit lurking. It's time to take your rightful position as a regular contributor again. Throw in some of your humor (sorely lacking around here).


05-20-2004, 06:52 PM
RPM, aka Newtrix1, aka Tricky Rick

C'mon man, even I knew that long ago.

Finch Platte
05-20-2004, 06:59 PM
Always the last to know.


05-20-2004, 07:25 PM
Yippee! Glad to see that I'm not the dimmest bulb in the house, after all. Hehehe, now if we can only get that dbi character to come back. And I still miss Ms. Nomer too! ;)

05-20-2004, 09:22 PM
Would it be a good idea to compile a list of posters who have changed monikers recently (whether or not it's related to the new board)? I gather not too many people have difficulty identifying me as J or Davey as dbi, but Newtrix did throw me for awhile. Any others we should know about? I remember a couple of years ago Jar had started using the moniker Dubman or something like that & I put my foot in my mouth addressing a post of his as though he were not a regular...not that I was condescending or anything, but knowing as I do that he's extremely knowledgeable about music I might've gone with just a slightly different tone. Who's here that's using names some might not know if they're used to the old ones? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

05-21-2004, 04:35 AM
10) Fear that he may once again show photos of his equipment

9) He brings that hip-hop music up way too much on the
forum, and everyone knows hip-hop is not music.

8) he may try and distribute Riff-Rock part 2.

7) He scares all the chicks away

6) 3 letter monikers are just sooooo passe'.

5) Most RR'ers are intimidated by his vast knowledge
and cutting wit.

4) Most RR'ers are sharp enough to see that he's
simply full of BS

3) can't relate to a person who claims FastBreak as
their favorite candy bar.

2) He seems to have a poll fetish

1) who needs another top 10 list?!

05-21-2004, 05:31 AM
10) Fear that he may once again show photos of his equipment

Nothing wrong with showing your equipment just remember to take you socks off first!


05-21-2004, 08:40 AM
Most RR'ers are intimidated by his vast knowledge
and cutting wit.

Hey Rick,

I just got your Pop! comp today and the tracklist looks real, real nice! :) I'd like to play it now but the problem is I also received McLusky's The Difference Between Me And You Is That I'm Not On Fire and I can't get it out of the CD player! I'll definitely give your non-four letter thingy some spintime this weekend though. Last week I started a new comp but I'm not quite sure what direction I want to go with it yet so it's kinda on the backburner, so to speak. You'll get a copy when it's finally done regardless whether you want it or not! ;)

Hey Jar,

Got your comps yesterday and listened to the mellow one last night. Me likes. The heavy one's on this weekend's "to spin" list. Thanks :D

NP: "Your Children Are Waiting For You To Die" McLusky (obviously)

05-21-2004, 09:59 AM
You'll get a copy when it's finally done regardless whether you want it or not! ;)

What goes around comes around, eh? :) .
Actually the comp flow has tailed off lately, so i look forward to your offering whenever it arrives. and no pressure with getting to mine, enjoy your new McLusky, unfortunately their Do Dallas wore off fairly quickly for me :(

05-21-2004, 06:14 PM
Always the last to know.

Doh. Hey that's not fair. If I'd have known that, I wouldn't have sent you that damned copy of CRSv9 in such a timely manner. You could have at least in your email told me you had a new moniker. That's it Rick - NO SOUP FOR YOU FOR ONE YEAR!

Yeah go ahead and laugh at me. I'm used to it. If you boneheads had (soon to be) 4 kids at home, you'd be goofy too.

JD (now taking his rightful place replacing Slosh as "dumber than a rock")

05-22-2004, 05:18 AM
If you boneheads had (soon to be) 4 kids at home, you'd be goofy too.

Hey, I'm goofy with just one kid, and in fact, have been told numerous times that I was a goofy bastard for my twenty two years of being prior to procreation ;)

Don't feel bad. Finchy will always be the whipping boy in these here parts! And now that Snowbunny doesn't hang around here anymore, I kinda feel obligated to tease FA every so often. :D She does, after all, share my birthday and that comes with a price!

05-22-2004, 06:34 AM
Don't feel bad. Finchy will always be the whipping boy in these here parts! And now that Snowbunny doesn't hang around here anymore, I kinda feel obligated to tease FA every so often. :D She does, after all, share my birthday and that comes with a price!

(insert finger pointing smiley here)
So you were the one not owning up to things back in January.

I knew that there was someone else besides me and Mr. Midfi. And all this time you just went along letting me believe that Stone was lying to me.

You goofy bastard. :p