View Full Version : So, what did you do over the weekend?
Finch Platte
05-17-2004, 05:50 AM
We listened to the radio on the way to our ride in the Sierra. Yak yak yak- do the DJs ever say anything interesting? And where do they learn those obnoxious laughs??
At one point, all 6 of the preset stations in JFR's 4-Runner were on commercial break.
So, here's a scenic shot for you. No, I'm not in the pic. Someone had to lug the camera around. :rolleyes:
You guys do anything cool? Doesn't have to be music-related. ;)
05-17-2004, 05:55 AM
I helped coach my son's little league team to it's first two victories. I gigged on Saturday night other than that I jes fell to pieces.
Da Worfster :D
Mr MidFi
05-17-2004, 07:06 AM
It was an action-packed weekend for me, mostly centering around food.
Friday night, we visited my old town we moved from last year, went to our favorite Italian place and I had the best piece of veal EVER. Daughter was at a sleep-over party, so the wife and I had a nice romantic evening at home.
Saturday, I power-washed my deck and did a buttload of yard work. Mowing the lawn took two full tanks of gas. Listened to a lot of music, watched Roger Waters' concert DVD for the first time in months, and viewed the movie "In America" on DVD (poignant tear-jerker, but in a good way). The highlight was fixing a big pan of chicken enchiladas and a monster pitcher of margaritas.
Yesterday, we stained the deck. That's always twice the task you think it's gonna be. And then I got in a nice two-hour bike ride on the Fox River Trail. What a gorgeous day: 75 degrees and sunny! Grilled some fabulous shish-kabobs: sirloin chunks, vidalia onion, bell pepper and portobellos marinated in fresh lemon juice, oregano, thyme, garlic and cracked pepper. Washed down with a nice Spanish Rioja.
Now I'm friggin' exhausted. But I feel like I had a weekend.
05-17-2004, 07:08 AM
Of course I did cool stuff.
I rode Saturday it was great.
Yesterday I spent the day with my 2 kids.
Then last night I watched the Nutty Professor.
How about them apples?
Whenya gonna come to Atlanta?
05-17-2004, 09:42 AM
i reaffirmed my addiction to rainbow 6 III on xbox live. that game is so good.
went to a friend's open house.
did some much needed shopping.
05-17-2004, 10:44 AM
Tonight I am going to ride a Bike-E, a recumbant bike that is cool as all hell. They even made a full suspension version before they went out of business.
Everyone is all friendly when you ride past 'em on these things.
I'll have toons on too. Love to ride with toons on.
05-17-2004, 10:48 AM
You guys do anything cool? Doesn't have to be music-related. ;)
After work yesterday, I consumed massive quantities of Colorado Kool-ade and played lots of vinyl, including this one which is way cooler than the new Magnetic Fields' release:
05-17-2004, 11:43 AM
Colorado Kool-Aide?
05-17-2004, 11:54 AM
Colorado Kool-Aide?
It's like this:
Dusty Chalk
05-17-2004, 05:18 PM
I watched Kill Bill again, what a great movie.
Hung around with a friend of mine.
Put a couple things up on Audiogon.
Had some friends over.
Finch Platte
05-17-2004, 07:02 PM
Tonight I am going to ride a Bike-E, a recumbant bike that is cool as all hell. They even made a full suspension version before they went out of business.
Everyone is all friendly when you ride past 'em on these things.
I'll have toons on too. Love to ride with toons on.
My friend, Lee, used to work for BikeE (now he's with He let me borrow one of the 'bents w/ the shock. It was fun, but slow as hell. I tried commuting on the thing, and it took me forever to get to work. No room for baggage, either. Neat, though, to be able to look around as you're riding along. It would be great in a place like Yosemite!
Great as a novelty, but the novelty wore off quick. I didn't have the heart to tell him. :(
Atlanta, huh? May be a while, Dave. :rolleyes:
Nothing at all cool, but it was a passable weekend by my humble standards.
Saturday - Played in a USTA tennis match. Coach put me in as a singles player instead of doubles. Got asswhipped by a 25 year old. That sucked.
Then I went scrounging for some boxes to pack up some tennis rackets ,golf clubs, and a turntable I sold on E-Bay. Got lucky and found perfect fits.
Came home. My new Athena AS-F2 set of floorstanders arrived. Has some 'splainin to do to Mrs. Nasty. Now they don;t look like such a great buy as it appears she's getting a new double oven out of this deal.
Squabbling Couple came over and we went to Taste Of Addison for food, drink, people watching and a few bands. Food was great. Many of Dallas's best restaurants had booths set up, selling sampler sizes ($3-$5). Drank a lot of Beer, made the mistake of getting a low carb (WTF is that?) Mrgrta. Worst I ever had. Still got semi-wasted. Squabbling couple were living up to their name, and we left as the B-52s came on. They played a new song (to me at least) that rocked. Earlier bands were a chick, Toby Lightman, alt-country that was very pop oriented, so so, and Blue October, alt-something or another. Too heavy. Got home abut 10:30 and saw Spurs tank against Lakers. Now am officially pulling for the Kings.
Uhhh, Sundays highlight was a trip to Sams w/Mrs. Nasty. Food samples were fantastic. Gas fillup wasn't ($1.809) . I had wanted to go to see Troy (the movie, not the artist). She didn't so we compromised on Sams. She won that fight. Sunday night, it was the Simpsons, Sopranos, and Deadwood. TV doesn't get any better.
All in all, 4 on a 10 scale. And thats being generous.
05-18-2004, 01:42 PM
I spent most of the weekend doing my Ebay thing, but Saturday night I played out for the first time in awhile. I've only played with two bands over the past years since I've been sick, one a relatively genteel singer-songwriter outfit, the other a cover band (Johnny Cash covers done Motorhead-style). I've only had three gigs with each band in more than 4 years, which tells you how much playing I've been doing. Well, I got a call from a former bandmate who now plays with a local rock'n'roll band called Charm School. Their bass player is currently unavailable & he wanted to bring me in & play with them. So we played the other night at the Continental, which has claimed a place alongside CBGB's over the past decade or so as a preeminent rock dive. It's certainly the loudest club in the city, bar none. Haven't been there much lately, but I used to go there a lot, during a time when you never knew which ex-NY Doll or Ramone would be playing, sitting in with whoever was playing, or just hanging out. The other night they had a Rolling Stones tribute with like 15 bands, each doing 2 Rolling Stones covers, and one original. There was no headliner per se, but Daniel Rey was playing, a guy with substantial Ramones connections (he produced a couple of their albums & co-wrote several songs with Dee Dee). All the seats were removed, so given my limited ability to stand for long periods of time, I had to spend more time in the 'band room' downstairs than I would've liked. I did see the 'Detox Darlings' do a cover off the Dirty Work album, which was interesting. Then there was a band called Jones Crusher, who displayed a pretty effin' good sense of humor, somehow transforming a cover of 'The Last Time' into 'Communication Breakdown.' Actually it was the other way around. I enjoyed them a lot. Then there was a band that had Richard Fortus on guitar; a friend gushed about how great he was & what he'd done, which included being a founding member of Love Spit Love & also a current membership in Guns 'N Roses. He was very good, but at that part I had to start getting my stuff together & get off my feet, so I wasn't able to view that whole performance. I caught a bit of the band that went on before Charm School, another wiseass band with an Asian frontman called the Spunks. Well, we went on & did 'Under My Thumb' and 'Paint It, Black,' followed by an original song called 'Dead Guy.' The place was pretty crowded & the band was very well-received. They seemed to have a very decent-sized following. But then I've read about them for a long time here & there, all the more so since my friend has been with them for a couple of years now. They have a Ramones connection themselves & have played at a couple of Joey Ramone memorial shows. Not sure how long I'll be playing with them, but things seemed to click really well & I'm going to try to stick with them as long as I can. They have a site you can take a look at if you like, which is at There's more pics on the 'cool stuff' & 'more cool stuff' links at the bottom. As it happens, I forgot my digital camera (I had enough on my mind), so I don't have any pics, but I hope to have some soon. I know there were people snappin' away all through our set. It was a lot of fun.[/url]. There's more pics on the 'cool stuff' & 'more cool stuff' links at the bottom. As it happens, I forgot my digital camera (I had enough on my mind), so I don't have any pics, but I hope to have some soon. I know there were people snappin' away all through our set. It was a lot of fun.
Hey J, sounds like a great time. Hope your tenure with the band continues. I went to Charm School's website. Dare I say your lead singer looks awesome? And a couple of killer covers you guys did, Paint It Black, with its ominous undertones and Under My Thumb have always been two Stone's favorites of mine. In fact as I sit here right now, I can't recall a darker rock song that made the top ten than Paint It Black.
Also went to the CBGBs link thru their "more cool stuff" page. Wow! I read up thru Vol. IV of the CBGB history. Those were some halycon days back then in 74-75. It must have been awesome to be a rock and roll loving New Yawker back then and have access to such great music. (Prolly a couple of years before your time?)
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