What do you want written on your headstone? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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05-14-2004, 10:51 AM
I guess I'll have the usual stuff like name, born on, died on, father of, lover of (or husband if I ever get stupid :p) and underneath I'm going with "Still Dead". Simple and to the point.

I suppose I'll donate my corpse to science if I'm young enough (I'm sure that'll explain a lot to my daughter :) ), otherwise just burn me up (I'll ignite pretty easily with all that alcohol in my system).

I haven't thought about how I think I'll die. Maybe that's another thread for another time.

NP: Ugly Casanova - Sharpen Your Teeth

05-14-2004, 11:38 AM
Just cremate me. I hate worms and bugs. The last thing I want is to become worm food.

Here's my theory on how Slosh dies....

1. he travels far, far away
2. he digs a hole
3. he gets in the hole
4. he stays in the hole until he dies

Hey, if it's good enough for Davey.... ;)

05-14-2004, 01:41 PM
I guess it really is dead in here :)

Here lies Rave Recordings
rot in peace

05-14-2004, 01:44 PM
I guess it really is dead in here :)

Here lies Rave Recordings
rot in peace

Well, at least the irony of a post about headstones and it being dead in here wasn't lost on this brainwreck. :D

05-14-2004, 02:33 PM
I guess I'll have the usual stuff like name, born on, died on, father of, lover of (or husband if I ever get stupid :p) and underneath I'm going with "Still Dead". Simple and to the point.

I suppose I'll donate my corpse to science if I'm young enough (I'm sure that'll explain a lot to my daughter :) ), otherwise just burn me up (I'll ignite pretty easily with all that alcohol in my system).

I haven't thought about how I think I'll die. Maybe that's another thread for another time.

NP: Ugly Casanova - Sharpen Your Teeth
Ran across this one earlier this morning.......

Dusty Chalk
05-14-2004, 07:17 PM
"Street Teamer on the Highway to Hell"?

"Moved on To Warmer Climes"?

"Is now pondering on the existence of life herebefore"?

"Died with the most toys, did not win"?

"Lived an exemplary life, died an exemplary death...
...an example of what not to do/of how not to do it"?

05-14-2004, 10:53 PM
I always liked the t-shirt.

05-15-2004, 09:42 AM
Well, I think that I'll have one of those "Speaker Rocks" and maybe something like.....Please upgrade this speaker every 6 months, even if it isn't necessary, and make sure it is bigger than the guys next to me.

05-15-2004, 12:49 PM
I never thought of this before so I thunk on it a bit.

1. "Say nice things or the muthaf**ker may come back!"

2. "It's the grave with "Bad Muthaf**ker" over it!

3. "What's cookin' doc? Hey... it's me!!!"

4. "In heaven now cause hell's too fulla preachers!"

That's about all that struck me this thunderstorming afternoon.

Da Worfster :cool:

Pat D
05-15-2004, 01:03 PM
I guess I'll have the usual stuff like name, born on, died on, father of, lover of (or husband if I ever get stupid :p) and underneath I'm going with "Still Dead". Simple and to the point.

I suppose I'll donate my corpse to science if I'm young enough (I'm sure that'll explain a lot to my daughter :) ), otherwise just burn me up (I'll ignite pretty easily with all that alcohol in my system).

I haven't thought about how I think I'll die. Maybe that's another thread for another time.

NP: Ugly Casanova - Sharpen Your Teeth
"<tt>Sur ma tombe, je veux qu'on inscrive,
Ici gît le roi des buveurs."


mad rhetorik
05-17-2004, 08:05 AM
I think I'll have my body preserved and stuffed. It's cheaper. ; P

05-20-2004, 01:06 AM
'told you i was sick'

Mr MidFi
05-20-2004, 07:46 AM
Some sort of comical non-sequitur, like "Say cheese!" or "Hmmm...tastes like chicken" or "Hand me that ferret" or something.