04-30-2004, 08:53 PM
Hello very new to high(er) end audio world. Here goes with my question. I started with a crappy sony home theater in a box. Thought it sounded okay. I then bought some Polk Audio t100 main speakers and hooked it up to my receicver, a very low powered sony. I also upgraded the center channel to a polk audio cs 150. I bought the t100's for 280 at Fry's and the Center for 44 bucks on ebay. (Read: I am into good deals?) Here's my dilemma. I bought a Yamaha rx 777 receiver on ebay for 120 bucks. I have since learned it is not a surround sound reciever. What can I do to still use my surround sound for movies, x box etc. Any info would be great, thnks