Parts for Mirage M-Series Speakers? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Parts for Mirage M-Series Speakers?

06-10-2015, 06:36 PM
Hey all, first post here. I just bought a pair of Mirage M-490's at a pawn shop in great shape-but I failed to notice it was missing one of the little gold plated, binding post connectors that bridge the terminals. I've spent about 3 hours so far searching for the part online but without luck! Is there even a supplier that would have this exact part?

The closest thing I found was this:

Parts Express Bi-Amp Speaker Terminal Cup Gold Banana Binding Post (

it looks almost identical but who knows if the specs are close enough to fit nicely???? Thanks for any help, this is driving me crazy!

06-10-2015, 07:04 PM
You can use that or make your own jumper with a piece of 16g wire or thicker. The type of jumper does not really matter.

06-10-2015, 07:40 PM
Thanks for the info! How did you know the part I found would be an exact fit? If it does I'll probably just do that. The binding post knobs are kind of a pain and I can't really see a cable having a good time hanging out there... I imagine the gold plating helps with conductivity as well?

06-11-2015, 04:52 AM
The easiest thing to do is if you are using bare wire or spade ended speaker wire is to unscrew the binding post slip the wire in, then tighten the post. For the jumpers (connectors) use banana plug ended wire and insert them into the top holes of the post.

If you know the parts express jumper fits then that would work as well.

06-11-2015, 08:53 AM
Thanks for the info! How did you know the part I found would be an exact fit? If it does I'll probably just do that. The binding post knobs are kind of a pain and I can't really see a cable having a good time hanging out there... I imagine the gold plating helps with conductivity as well?

There is no standardization of jumpers and I suspect the PE jumpers won't fit. But are the Mirage's "knobs" similar to the PE's? These are so-called "5 way" connectors: they are designed accommodate bare wire, soldered wire, pin terminators, spades, or banana plugs. Using 16 ga. wire blackraven recommends, you would ideally terminate the wire with spade connectors, then your speaker cables could then be terminated with banana plugs or possibly spades if the cable and jumber spades can go be attached at the same time.

Opps! I see that theHills suggestion amounts to pretty much what I'm saying.

06-11-2015, 10:27 AM
Good luck getting these up and running. My first pair of entry HE floorstanders were the bigger 790s. Pretty decent line of speakers for the day and pricepoint.

06-11-2015, 11:38 AM
Awesome guys, thanks for the help! I get it now, I think a spade to spade jumper would do the trick fine

JoeE SP9
06-11-2015, 05:55 PM

06-11-2015, 06:24 PM
Thanks for the info! How did you know the part I found would be an exact fit? If it does I'll probably just do that. The binding post knobs are kind of a pain and I can't really see a cable having a good time hanging out there... I imagine the gold plating helps with conductivity as well?

The gold plating just helps with oxidation, nothing more. Making jumpers out of wire is your best bet and easy to do. You can buy spade connectors here at the bottom of the page in the link below.

Speaker Cable at Blue Jeans Cable (