View Full Version : To the "Game of Thrones" followers round here....
05-02-2015, 11:06 AM
Something to think on, I've not read the books., I don't think I've enough years left to finish em... But something struck me from the opening episode and I want to try it out on your astute folks. Remember when the "Red Witch" asked Jon Snow if he was a virgin and he said no? She then turned away and said "good". Why because if he'd a said yes she'd a put him on the sacrificial love bed. Why? Because....
Wait for it.....
He's not Ned Stark's son but Robert Baratheons... Yes he's the kings first and oldest bastard. Robert felt different about this one (for some reason... he left the others to rot) and asked his buddy Ned to take him home, raise em up right and save him the scandal. He swore Ned to silence (of course) and Ned, being honorable old Ned, kept his word till his head went flop in the basket. This would explain a great many things. Like in season one when Jon was headed to the wall and Ned was headed south, he told Jon that one day he'd explain his heritage, but never got the chance. It also explains why Stennis likes the kid so much.... though he doesn't know why. What do you folks think.
05-03-2015, 05:36 PM
Something to think on, I've not read the books., I don't think I've enough years left to finish em... But something struck me from the opening episode and I want to try it out on your astute folks. Remember when the "Red Witch" asked Jon Snow if he was a virgin and he said no? She then turned away and said "good". Why because if he'd a said yes she'd a put him on the sacrificial love bed. Why? Because....
Wait for it.....
He's not Ned Stark's son but Robert Baratheons... Yes he's the kings first and oldest bastard. Robert felt different about this one (for some reason... he left the others to rot) and asked his buddy Ned to take him home, raise em up right and save him the scandal. He swore Ned to silence (of course) and Ned, being honorable old Ned, kept his word till his head went flop in the basket. This would explain a great many things. Like in season one when Jon was headed to the wall and Ned was headed south, he told Jon that one day he'd explain his heritage, but never got the chance. It also explains why Stennis likes the kid so much.... though he doesn't know why. What do you folks think.
No spoilers, please.
05-03-2015, 07:07 PM
Why not? in tonights show he (Jon) spurred the Red witch and Gray Worm may be dead before he got a chance to pop his cherry.........
05-04-2015, 01:53 PM
Having read the books, the appropriate answer is that you know nothing, Jon Snow.
05-07-2015, 09:30 AM
Speaking of last week's show (Noddin' Off) My "GoT" theory, that Jon Snow's Robert Barratheon's basterd's not Ned Starks, just got more plausible with the Red Woman's attempted seduction of Jon at Castle Black. She needed Kingly baby batter to produce another "smoke baby" (probably to pay Roose Bolton a visit in his sleep) but Jon wasn't havin' none of that. She stormed off but not before saying:
"You know nothing Jon Snow..."
Nothing of this true heritage she means. Also Lord "Pinky" Balish gives us the rest of his backstory later on. After Reygar Targaryeon kidnapped and raped Ned's sister, Robert Barratheon's intended... I believe old Robbie boy did the same to Reygar's wife. Jon Snow was the off-spring. Reygar's wife, a Martell, begged Ned or Ned through Robert not to have their offspring live an unwanted life ergo old trusty Ned took the kid in. As I said I've not read ANY of the books but this is just my theory.
05-07-2015, 09:33 AM
Having read the books, the appropriate answer is that you know nothing, Jon Snow.
Maybe, maybe not. Considering all the howling going on all over the internet about how much the show has veered from the books... who knows who's right and who's eatin' cheese?
06-15-2015, 10:51 AM
Whew.... what a finale....
06-16-2015, 05:22 AM
Kind of liked your theory. Knowing he was going to die, didn't seem fair to play along. :-0
I'm watching the series on BluRay so I'm still stuck back a season. So far its close enough to the books that I don't mind the embellishments. I don't recall hearing anything that really concerned me about the overall plot, or lack thereof. My theory is that George Martin doesn't really know how this is all going to play out anyway. Unlikely theory, but it does fit the evidence.
Curious about the series going forward. It's been a while since I read the books, but my memory says the books really went a wandering at this point. At the end of next season we may be running up against the end of the incomplete book series. The guy needs to write much faster.
If you've got the time, you should pick up the books. They are a lot of fun to read. You get far more invested in your favorite characters and it's much more shocking and more rewarding when things take a surprising turn. More intrigue less naked flesh.
06-16-2015, 03:08 PM
Whew.... what a finale....
You said it Brudda..........
06-17-2015, 04:03 PM
Considering Martins age, and all the fun he's been having since this whole thing blew up on him... I don't know if he'll EVER finish the books. He did leave the series creators a skeleton to follow so if they pass him OR he "passes" before the books are finished they can tie up this whole shebang with a dragon bow and let us get on with our lives... I personally and tired of seeing anyone with a single shred or human decency beaten, tortured, gutted, trampled, assassinated or burned at the stake! This chit's gettin' kinda old.
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