NAD 3020i power cord replacement [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : NAD 3020i power cord replacement

06-26-2014, 01:23 AM
Hello guys, been thinking of replacing the power cord of my 3020i, the one that came with it seems so cheap, like the one on my table lamp!! How ever, the cable has to be soldered on, as there is no socket to fit in a new cord. Any one who has done this? What's a good cable, it needs to be fit into the very small cavity that's there. Also I'm no good at soldering etc, can I get a guy who is in computer hardware to do it? Thanks

06-26-2014, 07:53 PM
Also I'm no good at soldering etc, can I get a guy who is in computer hardware to do it? Thanks

If the guy is going to charge you, then it might cheaper to do it yourself. Soldering is really easy. Just practice soldering few time on pieces of wires before doing the actual soldering on the unit.

Just place the tip of solder iron on the junction to be soldered, let it get heat up first, and then apply solder to the joint (be carefull not to over heat). Also obsereve the polarity of power cord cable when replacing :)