Greetings from Westminster, Colorado, USA [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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06-23-2014, 05:46 PM
Good evening everyone, I'm Taylor I recently started getting back into home audio with the system i'm currently building. I'm a very big vintage audio enthusiast, and I am proud that I can finally put my mitsubishi SS-152 speakers to good use :). I recently aquired the Mitsubishi speakers from my father who has had them in the family since I can remember. I recently came from the sham of a community I was banned there when I was 16 because I was too good for tthe administrators tastes >.<. I'm currently 22, and I had my birthday 3 months back.

06-23-2014, 06:04 PM
Welcome and few get banned here. We are tolerant of many personalities and even multiple personalities. We are not as heavily biased into vintage but there are some who can help. Jump in and share your knowledge and ask questions.

06-23-2014, 06:10 PM
Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm glad I could join such a diversive and colorful community. I will provide as much insight on audio that I am knowledgable of currently. I do currently have a question regarding pure silver cabling. is there any differences that are audible compared to typical speaker and rca cables?