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Moses 876
04-07-2014, 07:28 PM
Hey everyone, I have the Sansui A-505 IntegratedAmp (part of a complete component set ie...cd player,cassette,turntable,radio etc) paired to 2 sansui s750 speakers 28.5 inches tall and 14 inches wide each. Only the amp and speakers are connected as the other components are sorta "outdated".

pics: 963496359636

so what happens is i connect/wire the speakers (i believe theyre called "powered" as they have no plug or internal amps) to the amp and connect my xbox/phone/laptop or w.e is playing the sound to an adapter which then plugs into the amp's tuner rca ports.

My problem is Im sure Ive fried the amp (dont know how bad) but when i was younger one side produced much weaker sound so I intertwined the left and right speakers and ran them both through one side (stupid i know). It worked for a good while but fried after (makes continuous buzzing sound when amp is on and speakers wired in).

So Im looking to get a new amp to replace it. I want it just as powerful/capable if not more but it wont have to be an integrated amp replacement (ie. it wont be used on the component set....just used to play music/watch movies using a 3.5mm to rca converter)

Specs of fried amp: Voltage-120/220/240 Volts| 50/60Hz| Power: 120 Watts|Speaker impedance 8-16ohms

Spec of 1 speaker: Max Input Power: 85 Watts| Impedance 8 ohms (they are pretty powerful believe me the room will shake when turned up half)

ill try to source pictures of amps and speakers for better understanding. (speakers are bass reflex standing at 28.5 inches by 14 inches)

I didnt mention repairof the amp as I live in Jamaica and labor/parts/experts in this area is limited and probably expensive.

As an example of what I've been considering with my limited sound knowledge : New Pyle PCAU46A Mini 2x120 Watt USB SD Card Aux LED Stereo Power Amplifier Amp | eBay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Pyle-PCAU46A-Mini-2x120-Watt-USB-SD-Card-AUX-LED-Stereo-Power-Amplifier-Amp-/351013654964?pt=US_Home_Audio_Amplifiers_Preamps&hash=item51ba0b51b4)

im trying to find the best replacement amp for the best price...it will be mainly used in one room (mainly for music but also gaming and movies) but i like my music loud and bass kicking, and the old amp definitely delivered excptionally imo. any real help would be greatly appreciated!

04-07-2014, 08:10 PM
Pyle makes junk and you get what you pay for. What is your budget in U.S. dollars and we can make some recommendations.

Moses 876
04-07-2014, 08:28 PM
$100. the thing is the previous integrated amp did a wonderful job powering these 2 speakers. and in my gaming room (approx 10ft x 10 ft) it sounded amazing...especially the bass. things would shake lol and im sure my neighbours could hear it also. im not a sound expert by any means but id assume if this old (about 80s or so) amp from a component set (full cabinet with decks...cd on bottom, then cassette, then tuner etc and turntable on top) can do such a good job then a modern one should too..on the cheap. i dont consider myself an audiophile and dont require perfection. i just want an amp that can deliver, i dont need lcd display and a million features...just need to be able to plug my rca adapter into my laptop/mp3 player or what have you and get kickass sound.

Moses 876
04-07-2014, 08:36 PM
and after getting a little better understanding...i might not need alot of power because although the integrated amp has 120watts it has 2 channels i think..."system a and system b" so id assume each channel gets 60 watts and therefore each speaker 30 watts? its a little hard explaining as i dont know the correct terminologies here. but ill take it to basics... each speaker has 2 wires positive n negative (red and black) and the amp has a total of 8 "ports" to put them in (4 red and 4 black labelled as system a and system b. theres a switch to select which to use)

04-08-2014, 07:56 AM
On that budget, I would recommend this Dayton DTA-120 digital T amp. I have the older DTA-100a and drive a pair of Monitor Audio S1 speakers in a 17x17x15 bedroom. It is very dynamic with deep fast bass, a wide sound stage and good air and transparency. It sounds better than any of my 4 sub $1,000 receivers that I own. These little digital amps are giant killers. Read up on T amps.

Dayton Audio DTA-120 Class T Digital Mini Amplifier 60 WPC | 300-3800 (http://www.parts-express.com/dayton-audio-dta-120-class-t-digital-mini-amplifier-60-wpc--300-3800)

Here are a few other T amps

Compact 50W Class T Tripath Digital Amplifier | TOPPING TP20-MK2 (TOPPING TP20MK2) | Distributed By MCM (http://www.mcmelectronics.com/product/50-11020?scode=GS401&CAWELAID=1052354894&cagpspn=pla&gclid=CJ613MGf0b0CFUpnOgodPDQAfQ)

Topping TP60 2X80W High Power Class T Amp TA2022 Stereo Power AMPLIFIER220V 110V | eBay (http://www.ebay.com/itm/TOPPING-TP60-2X80W-high-power-class-T-AMP-TA2022-stereo-Power-Amplifier220V-110V-/220971610193?pt=US_Home_Audio_Amplifiers_Preamps&hash=item3372ef3051)

JoeE SP9
04-08-2014, 01:23 PM
and after getting a little better understanding...i might not need alot of power because although the integrated amp has 120watts it has 2 channels i think..."system a and system b" so id assume each channel gets 60 watts and therefore each speaker 30 watts? its a little hard explaining as i dont know the correct terminologies here. but ill take it to basics... each speaker has 2 wires positive n negative (red and black) and the amp has a total of 8 "ports" to put them in (4 red and 4 black labelled as system a and system b. theres a switch to select which to use)

When you have multiple speaker connections the total power does not get divided between the various speakers as you seem to think. If you have a 120 Watt amp (60WPC) and you connect two pair of speakers, each pair of speakers is connected in parallel with the other pair. This means you have 60 Watts driving two speakers for each channel. It does not get divided between the two.