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11-06-2013, 06:38 AM
Spending a week at the beach and my favorite past time is reading............I'm about finished with GHOST RIDER by Neil Peart. Fascinating and at the same time depressing. He talks a lot about TEST FOR ECHO and I'm intrigued about the next-to-be-offered VAPOR TRAILS..............are these two Rush releases worth picking up ? Does VAPOR reflect the recovery ?

Finch Platte
11-06-2013, 07:07 AM
Spending a week at the beach and my favorite past time is reading............I'm about finished with GHOST RIDER by Neil Peart. Fascinating and at the same time depressing. He talks a lot about TEST FOR ECHO and I'm intrigued about the next-to-be-offered VAPOR TRAILS..............are these two Rush releases worth picking up ? Does VAPOR reflect the recovery ?

What do you mean, recovery? Remix? I bought the remixed version of VT and it sounds fine. But the songs still suck, imo. If you liked the songs in the first place, I think you'll enjoy the remix. It's cheaper anyway, our store had it for $12. Everything else is the same in the liner notes. It would have been nice had they added something about the recording process. Basically, you're paying for the remix disc, and nothing else. Do what I did, and burn the new disc and put it in the old box, and take the new disc back for credit on something good.

This post brought to you by the letter '3'.

11-06-2013, 09:19 AM
In my opinion, skip both Test for Echo and Vapor Trails and get Snakes and Arrows and Clockwork Angels instead.

My husband is a fan of Peart's books (no surprise there :)). I've never read them. I'm more of a fiction reader.

11-07-2013, 04:11 AM
Coming from you, that's damnation.
I've got S&A...............and heard that CA is good.
BTW, love the R30 DVD.

11-07-2013, 06:28 AM
Coming from you, that's damnation.
I've got S&A...............and heard that CA is good.
BTW, love the R30 DVD.

It`s not a damnation. But if you`re only going to buy one or two albums, Clockwork Angels is, by far, the better buy, IMO.

I`m with Finchy. Vapor Trails is my least favourite in their catalogue.

11-07-2013, 07:08 AM
VT has some great tunes on it, but suffers from the "this song sounds like the last song" syndrome that most of their post '80s albums do. I will say that S&A and Clockwork aren't too removed from that plight, but to me Clockwork Angels has some of the best material on it of any Rush album I've heard since the '80s. CA is rather backloaded with regards to its better material as it were. The press release touted it as a return to concept albums for them, but it doesn't play like that at all. If there's an over arching theme, its Peart's coming to acceptance with his life.

11-07-2013, 02:04 PM
I wonder if VT is so different because it is Peart's "little baby soul" doing the writing. (?)