New Reznor... [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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03-07-2013, 11:07 AM
The "How To Destroy Angels" album with Trent and Mauriqueen is out. Sample at will: Welcome oblivion (2013) by howtodestroyangels on SoundCloud - Hear the world (

Finch Platte
03-07-2013, 01:03 PM
The "How To Destroy Angels" album with Trent and Mauriqueen is out. Sample at will: Welcome oblivion (2013) by howtodestroyangels on SoundCloud - Hear the world (

Man, I've got one of the EPs that came out before this (, and I keep trying to listen to it, as the reviews all make it sound like it something I should like. But I keep clicking on song after song and never hear anything that sticks to my earbones. Guess I'm not a fan of tunes that sound like machines (see also Atoms For Peace).