View Full Version : Rave Recs Favorites Contest: Rush v. Jethro Tull
mad rhetorik
04-20-2004, 11:39 AM
Let's try this again. Match 2, Progressive Rock Division: <b>Rush v. Jethro Tull</b>
Polls close 4/22.
NOTE: In the event of a tie, responses are encouraged. If I get a tie based on number of votes, I'll decide matches based on number of responses--only one per person, so don't try stuffing the ballot box, ya bastages. ; p
04-20-2004, 11:53 AM
I own more Tull material and have listened to Tull WAY more frequently than Rush.
04-20-2004, 12:29 PM
I have been a Tull fan for many years and have spent a small fortune collecting the music from this great band.
Tull started out as a blues band and released This Was in 1968. Creative differences between Ian Anderson and then guitarist Mick Abrahams led to the departure of Abrahams shortly thereafter. This Was remains Tull's only forray into the blues realm and because of this went relatively unnoticed. To this day when people speak of Tull that album is mostly forgotten. For me, it's okay but not their best work. Frankly, I'm glad history went the way it did.
Tull's most well known album, Aqualung, hit the scene in a big way in 1971. Deemed a "concept" album by the media, although Ian vehemently denies this, Aqualung spoke of religion and the seedy life of prostitutes and homeless people.
I'd say the second most popular album would have to be Thick As A Brick. TAAB was written as a slam towards the bombastic approach to music of progressive bands of the era. Bands such as ELP, Yes and the like. Ian never liked being referred to as a "prog band" The resulting album turned out to be a huge success much to the surprise of Ian.
The greatest attribute of Tull's music was it's ever changing style and interesting subject matter. There's no doubt Ian was the creative force behind Tull but the musicianship was always present despite the seamingly ever changing line up.
Like many bands from that era, the flame dies down as time passes by. Tull's heyday was indeed the 70's. What an excellent stretch of releases during that time. In ten years they released:
Living In The Past
A Passion Play
War Child
Minstrel In The Gallery
Too Old To Rock: Too Young To Die
Songs From The Wood
Heavy Horses
Live: Burstin Out
And two greatest hits compilations.
The 80's ushered in a new era and a new band. The music got a little less appealing to some. I still love what they've put out although some of it I would like to forget. I'll never tire of Jethro Tull.
Well, that's my take.
Thanks for reading.
04-20-2004, 12:34 PM
This is stupid.
How in the hell can I pick between those 2 bands?
I like them about equal. They are both in my top 10.
But since I have more Tull bootlegs then I vote for Tull.
So there you have it.
N. Abstentia
04-21-2004, 05:22 AM
Gotta vote for Rush. Tull NEVER used a doubleneck Rickenbacker bass/guitar that was almost as big as the guy playing it. Never noticed a 'glockenspeil' on a Tull album either. Of course Rush never used a flautist either....hmmm....nah we'll go with Rush.
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