Battleship - They should replace the "p" with a "t" [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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02-11-2013, 08:45 PM
"Battleship" - F - Someone gave it 2 stars... that fool should be forbiden to review movies for the rest of their miserable lives. A more silly piece of tripe has never been made. Makes "Ishtar" look like Casablanca. I love a good alien shoot-em up as much as the next guy but Dear God and Sonny Jesus that steaming pile of dog feces should be burned and every copy along with it.


02-12-2013, 03:38 PM
Agreed. Hollywood wields CGI around as though it was a magic wand, capable of turning pumpkins into carriages.

To paraphrase Ian Malcom from Jurassic Park:

"you're so preoccupied with whether or not you can, that you don't stop to ask yourself whether or not you should."

Hollywood has some lumbering beast on the loose and they're not dinosaurs.

02-12-2013, 04:43 PM
"Battleship" - F - Someone gave it 2 stars... that fool should be forbiden to review movies for the rest of their miserable lives. A more silly piece of tripe has never been made. Makes "Ishtar" look like Casablanca. I love a good alien shoot-em up as much as the next guy but Dear God and Sonny Jesus that steaming pile of dog feces should be burned and every copy along with it.

Yep, a truly bad movie.