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Listening to the radio this morning on my way to work and I heard that some area schools as well as other schools around the country are starting to ban Dodgeball. What? They say it has a negative impact on a young kid's confidemce when they get pegged. They say "what about the kids who are not as good as others, they are always getting hit" and thus feel inferior, or something along those lines. Are thy serious? Dodgeball rules!
Parents and schoolboard officials need to butch up and stop being so hyper-sensative. I used to always play dodgeball and got drilled many times. I turned out OK? Kids today are being raised as fragile eggs. Physical and emotional bumps and bruises are part of growing up.
Don't even get me started on children's sports with no score keeping.
So anyone here against Dodgeball? Hell, if I could get a game together right now I would be all over it.
04-19-2004, 11:25 AM
I got nothing against dodgeball, per se, but what you cite is an example of the feminization of American culture. You may have heard Bill Mahr speak of it if you ever watched him. Anyway, it's referred to as feminization because the idea that people can be made absolutely safe from all interactions, on the dodgeball court, other venues, etc. is a type of "mothering." Don't get me wrong, I believe in safety: food safety, road safety, gun safety, but this type of action proceeds with an underlying conception that everything can and should be made safe. It proceeds with no realistic topography of reason.
All this of course was parodied in the first season of the Simpsons.
karl k
04-19-2004, 02:28 PM
Listening to the radio this morning on my way to work and I heard that some area schools as well as other schools around the country are starting to ban Dodgeball. What? They say it has a negative impact on a young kid's confidemce when they get pegged. They say "what about the kids who are not as good as others, they are always getting hit" and thus feel inferior, or something along those lines. Are thy serious? Dodgeball rules!
Parents and schoolboard officials need to butch up and stop being so hyper-sensative. I used to always play dodgeball and got drilled many times. I turned out OK? Kids today are being raised as fragile eggs. Physical and emotional bumps and bruises are part of growing up.
Don't even get me started on children's sports with no score keeping.
So anyone here against Dodgeball? Hell, if I could get a game together right now I would be all over it.
JSEI consider all sports and competition of any kind to be what kids need to "find" themselves. It's all about what I can and can't do well so I can excell at what I'm best suited for in the future. If I can't pitch a ball, I should know better than to try out for the pitching position! It's also about aquiring hand/eye skills as well as reaction time. See, people only look at the negative side of competition... never the positive. When my daughter was in 4th grade, I conferenced with the teacher about her math. I asked the teacher if they did time trials on multiplication and division at the blackboard(remember those) and I got the same crap about self esteem and self worth. It seems that people are breeding the competitive nature out of humanity in an effort to promote all those traits that we like about our wives... impathy, sensetivity, frailty, and kindness. It's just amazing that people can't stand to see children lose in competition and the loser can't get it together enough to try to do better. What's going to happen when you aren't good in school and your self esteem is suffering? Not go to school?
"what about the kids who are not as good as others, they are always getting hit" and thus feel inferior, or something along those lines.
They get to do what they are more suited to do... be cheerleaders! Beside, would you take away his desire and ability to do better? That's the true crime here... all the children become victims.
A side note...
Consider for a moment the what if aspect of Dodgeball and the liability of the school for promoting such an event. As soon as the first kid gets a black eye or broken bone, the parents will be all over the school and will win in court based on how the juries are so sympathetic to children and their injuries. It's not just the parents and the school, it's also the insurance companies! Makes me sick! :mad:
04-19-2004, 03:27 PM
Listening to the radio this morning on my way to work and I heard that some area schools as well as other schools around the country are starting to ban Dodgeball. What? They say it has a negative impact on a young kid's confidemce when they get pegged. They say "what about the kids who are not as good as others, they are always getting hit" and thus feel inferior, or something along those lines. Are thy serious? Dodgeball rules!
Parents and schoolboard officials need to butch up and stop being so hyper-sensative. I used to always play dodgeball and got drilled many times. I turned out OK? Kids today are being raised as fragile eggs. Physical and emotional bumps and bruises are part of growing up.
Don't even get me started on children's sports with no score keeping.
So anyone here against Dodgeball? Hell, if I could get a game together right now I would be all over it.
I have heard of this before. I guess then they need to ban every non team sports like tennis? Or, just ban life itself :)
Listening to the radio this morning on my way to work and I heard that some area schools as well as other schools around the country are starting to ban Dodgeball. What? They say it has a negative impact on a young kid's confidemce when they get pegged. They say "what about the kids who are not as good as others, they are always getting hit" and thus feel inferior, or something along those lines. Are thy serious? Dodgeball rules!
Parents and schoolboard officials need to butch up and stop being so hyper-sensative. I used to always play dodgeball and got drilled many times. I turned out OK? Kids today are being raised as fragile eggs. Physical and emotional bumps and bruises are part of growing up.
Don't even get me started on children's sports with no score keeping.
So anyone here against Dodgeball? Hell, if I could get a game together right now I would be all over it.
but I guess from the sounds of it you might have to come up above the 49th parallel. I got beaned just as many times as I was the beaner and man does that feel good.
Have you guys seen the Randy Johnson commercial were he is the thrower in a dodgeball game. I think it's a Moutain Dew ad. He is just nailing guys left and right, knocking them into walls and off their feet. It's one of my favorites.
Pain and agony. Ah, good times.... :rolleyes:
Karl, I like your point about banning school. If you can't make a 100, yer out. Imagine the humility off getting a 90 and having to see those few kids that got a better score received more praise than you. School is a cruel, cruel place. It's a drastic example but you know there are people who think this way. Home Schooling comes to mind. Besides. how can you really get a good game of dodgeball going it you are home-schooled.
Failure is an essential part of life. Without it, we are going to become a bunch of spoiled brats that can't handle day to day life. Life can kick you in the ass sometimes and you better be equipped for it when it happens.
04-20-2004, 12:39 PM
Man, dodgeball was the best!!!!!! I could go for a game right now! Wouldn't that be something - coming back into work from lunch with a big red welt on my face from getting tagged with a red ball?
I'm getting so freakin tired of all the stuff they want to ban from schools. Let's not hurt a kids' psyche with a game of dodgeball. What's next? Move all of the good looking kids out because they might make others feel inadequate. And the popular kids, they gotta go right away. Everyone has to wear uniforms, no playing any sports on school grounds, and don't let the kids run either - the slower ones might be damaged for life when they realize they're slower than the other kids.
Are you kidding me? Let's quit trying to overcompensate for bad parenting.
04-20-2004, 12:41 PM
great commercial - just like the Eddie George commercial for the NFL when one of the guys hits the other in the back of the legs with the rake handle... :) good stuff.
Man, dodgeball was the best!!!!!! I could go for a game right now! Wouldn't that be something - coming back into work from lunch with a big red welt on my face from getting tagged with a red ball?
I'm getting so freakin tired of all the stuff they want to ban from schools. Let's not hurt a kids' psyche with a game of dodgeball. What's next? Move all of the good looking kids out because they might make others feel inadequate. And the popular kids, they gotta go right away. Everyone has to wear uniforms, no playing any sports on school grounds, and don't let the kids run either - the slower ones might be damaged for life when they realize they're slower than the other kids.
Are you kidding me? Let's quit trying to overcompensate for bad parenting.
I'm starting to think my posts are inadequate compared to Wooch. My psyche is now tarnished.
04-22-2004, 07:37 AM
Let's not be hasty here. Dodgeball shouldn't be replaced. Then again, maybe it should. With PAINTBALL!!!! Teachers versus students. Water ballon fights are another acceptable alternative.
In other news, tag was banned because of fear kids psyche's would be harmed because they were "it". Tennis has been forgone due to people not being able to hit the ball over the net. Raquetball was deemed to violent because students had problems remembering the rule 'serve and duck'. Marbles are no longer allowed because they are a chocking hazard. Hopscotch has been rescinded for fear of leg/ankle injuries.
04-22-2004, 02:43 PM
Aw, come on, noone ever got hurt playing Dodgeball. Well, actually you could get hurt but so what you could also stub your toe walking to class. Maybe wheelchairs could be provided to prevent kids risking injury walking to class.
"There's no crying in <strike>baseball</strike> DODGEBALL !!!"
Maybe wheelchairs could be provided to prevent kids risking injury walking to class.
"There's no crying in <strike>baseball</strike> DODGEBALL !!!"
Rikki, Rikki, Rikki, When will you learn? That would be insensitive and cruel to the Handicap, I mean disabled, I mean physical challenged, I mean walking impaired, I mean........ Ah hell, you know what I mean. Damn this PC SENSITIVE WORLD! I'm going to drill some little kids with balls. Ok that sounded really bad. :confused: Dammit! Dodgeball, I going to play Dodgeball! :mad:
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