View Full Version : Doomed...all doomed
05-03-2012, 07:42 AM
Yes, this thread is DOOMED.
Here's the deal (
1) Pick NO MORE (,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=59d3a89e7006c25e&biw=936&bih=956) than 2 songs released in the first four months of 2012 (that would be JANUARY, FEBRUARY, MARCH, or APRIL) that are your pick for best song(s) from this time.
2) Upload the song(s) and provide link ( to forum or to PM
3) If unable to do #2, then name the song ( and beg ( someone else to do #2
4) I will collect and compilationize ( them. Depending on number, might just be a mini (,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1018&bih=247#hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&tbm=isch&q=60%27s+mini+skirt&revid=954353428&sa=X&ei=uKeiT572D8fG0QHFkfnUDA&ved=0CFsQgxY&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=cd852ca6c6dd5164&biw=1018&bih=247), but I will accumulate all for a year ender.
5) I will repeat every 4 months through 2012.
Finch Platte
05-03-2012, 08:42 AM
Ooh, this will be fun. Thanks for the kick this forum needs.
I'll git back atcha later with my selections. :3:
05-03-2012, 10:26 AM
File type preference? FLAC OK?
I'll upload something by sometime tomorrow.
05-04-2012, 04:08 AM
Depending on number, might just be a mini (,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1018&bih=247#hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&tbm=isch&q=60%27s+mini+skirt&revid=954353428&sa=X&ei=uKeiT572D8fG0QHFkfnUDA&ved=0CFsQgxY&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=cd852ca6c6dd5164&biw=1018&bih=247), but I will accumulate all for a year ender.
It might be a single.
05-04-2012, 04:59 AM
Hard to pick just two. And these two would both change on another day, so I'm not calling them the two best, just the two I wanna hear right now.
My 2 (
05-04-2012, 05:11 AM
It might be a single.
Looks like we have enough for a B side ( now!
Hard to pick just two. And these two would both change on another day, so I'm not calling them the two best, just the two I wanna hear right now.
A little challenge to sharpen the mind. I figure they at least made some sort of cut. :-)
Formats ( I think I'm good with all of them. flac is great. Lossless ( is my assumption (,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=2753d9274dde7b13&biw=1003&bih=995)
WMA lossless is a bit of a problem for me so I prefer not that one...but I can manage it, I just lose the tags.
05-04-2012, 05:44 AM
got Slosh's ( and nobody's ( Tnx
Mr MidFi
05-04-2012, 06:01 AM
Well, I'd love to contribute to this project... except for three small problems.
1) My media computer suddenly won't boot, and appears to be deader than the hooker in my trunk
2) I'm a notorious tech-spazz who can't be trusted to upload big files in the first place
3) I have terrible taste in music
But if I were contributing two songs, they would probably be "Orpheo Looks Back" by Andrew Bird and "Temporary" by White Rabbits. I'm loving both of those right now.
05-04-2012, 06:39 AM
Well, I'd love to contribute to this project... except for three small problems.
But if I were contributing two songs, they would probably be "Orpheo Looks Back" by Andrew Bird and "Temporary" by White Rabbits. I'm loving both of those right now.
I've got Orpheo Looks Back covered and will add it to the pool.
Anyone help with Temporary (
Mr MidFi
05-04-2012, 07:20 AM
I've got Orpheo Looks Back covered and will add it to the pool.
Anyone help with Temporary (
You are doing the Lord's work, sir. Bless you.
The only thing that I have that I can readily upload in FLAC from this year is the new Brute Heart 7"... the rest of my stuff is on vinyl and I don't have the setup to rip from it (well, that one is too, but it came with a download code).
Here's the link to the full 7" (, don't abuse it! If you like it, buy the vinyl for $7ppd from M'Lady's (
05-04-2012, 09:15 AM
Grab complete. Tnx Rae.
05-04-2012, 09:31 PM
You can grab a new Jack White track at the top of my song of the day page ... link in sig.
Or just click here ..
Good idea :)
05-05-2012, 09:48 AM
I've got Orpheo Looks BackAnyone help with Temporary (
Temporary (
05-05-2012, 06:55 PM
hope this works...haven't actually done a MediaFire link-type thing before...
One is from Julia Holter's most excellent Ekstasis album
here (
and one from the locally super-hyped Polica that I think is a great release that should get them some broader love
here (
05-07-2012, 04:18 AM
Jack White, check
Orpheo, check
Holter, check
Polica, check.
Mr MidFi
05-07-2012, 10:50 AM
Jack White, check
Orpheo, check
Holter, check
Polica, check.
Did you grab Slosh's thing? (Wait, perhaps I should rephrase that...)
05-08-2012, 04:21 AM
I should rephrase
Jack White, check
Temporary, check
Holter, check
Polica, check.
The beauty of the internets is that I don't have to touch any things
05-10-2012, 03:32 AM
It appears we've reached critical mass (,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=46befbf77b27d52d&biw=946&bih=914) at 11 tracks. Are there any I should be waiting (,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=5584764e31de0b79&biw=946&bih=914) for? Most all came in lossless ( except for
Julie Holter ~ Marienbad
Polica ~ Dark Star
If anyone can bump ( 22.418.3j2.5.0...0.0.EZHzmkAlLLQ&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=5584764e31de0b79&biw=946&bih=914) up those, that would be great. Dark Star would especially benefit.
Finch Platte
05-10-2012, 10:15 AM
It appears we've reached critical mass (,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=46befbf77b27d52d&biw=946&bih=914) at 11 tracks. Are there any I should be waiting (,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=5584764e31de0b79&biw=946&bih=914) for? Most all came in lossless ( except for
Julie Holter ~ Marienbad
Polica ~ Dark Star
If anyone can bump ( 22.418.3j2.5.0...0.0.EZHzmkAlLLQ&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=5584764e31de0b79&biw=946&bih=914) up those, that would be great. Dark Star would especially benefit.
I can't make up my mind, and besides, I have no idea how to send something lossless, so you can all breathe a sigh of relief, fp won't be adding any of his crappy selections to your mix. :ciappa:
05-12-2012, 11:41 AM
It appears we've reached critical mass at 11 tracks. Are there any I should be waiting for? Most all came in lossless except for
Julie Holter ~ Marienbad
Polica ~ Dark Star
If anyone can bump up those, that would be great. Dark Star would especially benefit.
Here's another one from me, though it's another old sounding type thing, and somewhat related to the other one I supplied. In this case, a revitalized Dr. John teaming with Dan Auerbach of the Black Keys, who took on a similar production role to what Jack White has done a few times now. I almost supplied a track at the same time as the Jack White, but the CD really sounds crap, compressed to the max. Really disappointing because the music is so good. But the LP completely saves it, huge difference, so below is Getaway in 16-44.1 flac from the LP (the Jack White track was also from vinyl, but in that case the CD was mastered very well so not much difference).
CD waveform (DR rating 6):
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR6 -0.30 dB -7.93 dB 4:59 01-Locked Down
DR6 -0.29 dB -7.23 dB 3:26 02-Revolution
DR6 -0.29 dB -8.53 dB 3:48 03-Big Shot
DR6 -0.29 dB -8.26 dB 4:24 04-Ice Age
DR5 -0.30 dB -7.60 dB 4:35 05-Getaway
DR6 -0.29 dB -7.80 dB 3:37 06-Kingdom of Izzness
DR7 -0.30 dB -8.98 dB 4:45 07-You Lie
DR7 -0.29 dB -9.04 dB 2:53 08-Eleggua
DR7 -0.30 dB -10.20 dB 5:07 09-My Children, My Angels
DR6 -0.29 dB -8.55 dB 4:57 10-God's Sure Good
Number of tracks: 10
Official DR value: DR6
LP waveform (DR rating 11):
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR11 -0.89 dB -13.90 dB 4:57 A1-Locked Down
DR11 -0.97 dB -13.11 dB 3:26 A2-Revolution
DR12 -0.54 dB -15.34 dB 3:49 A3-Big Shot
DR11 -1.10 dB -14.48 dB 4:24 A4-Ice Age
DR10 -2.01 dB -14.47 dB 4:35 A5-Getaway
DR12 -0.35 dB -13.77 dB 3:37 B1-Kingdom Of Izzness
DR12 -1.71 dB -15.51 dB 4:48 B2-You Lie
DR11 -2.08 dB -15.27 dB 2:54 B3-Eleggua
DR11 -1.72 dB -16.49 dB 5:09 B4-My Children, My Angels
DR10 -1.87 dB -15.26 dB 5:01 B5-God's Sure Good
Number of tracks: 10
Official DR value: DR11
05-14-2012, 04:27 AM
Pretty serious differences there. I've been curious about that new Dr. John. I always like his sounds but a little goes a long way and a lot just seems too much. Anyway, Got It.
I'll see what I can do to sequence this collection out. I've shuffled it through my ears a few times and it seems to not really matter what order the the tracks come. Check back Friday, I think, for the first of three 2012 installments.
05-14-2012, 05:49 AM
This is the kind of thing that, generally, "makes my year" (in music)...{rubs palms together in anticipation}
05-16-2012, 06:42 AM
***Files Fixed and Links updated 3:30pm, May 16. If you downloaded before this, you're missing the Jack White track. I'd apologize, but you get what you pay for***
Doomed backward is de mood, de mood is pleasantly surprised.
Admittedly, I had really low expectations here. I was hoping at best to come up with a full disk maybe by year’s end but expecting a couple pity uploads of dubious worth. At least, I thought, I might find an album to pursue. Despite the evident long odds, RRs emerged from hiding and ta dah! We have a full compilation album.
Musically, I don’t know quite what I was expecting. It wasn’t this. There are some interesting sounds and twisty tunes. A lot of stuff had me flashing back to the late 70’s and early eighties and rope-a-doped me along before putting the modern spin on it. Other things had hallmarks of stuff I don’t personally like; I expected crash-and-burn but they pulled out and delivered a real absorbing listen. There’s a lot of reward hiding in these songs.
I think I’ve strung them together into a pretty dang good 54 minute listen. It’s quite possible that RR will deliver an outstanding 3-CD wrap up of 2012. Something, I’m very much looking forward to.
Here’s the playbill for ACT I of this 3-part experiment. Continued experiments in hyperlinks take you to metacritic reviews or artist pages.
01. Temporary ~ White Rabbits ( ( Mr. MidFi )
02. Kill for Love ~ Chromatics ( ( nobody )
03. In Limbo ~ Brute Heart ( ( Rae )
04. Dark Star ~ Poliça ( ( johnnyhambone )
05. Marienbad ~ Julia Holter ( ( johnnyhambone )
06. Love Interruption ~ Jack White ( ( Davey )
07. Only for You ~ The Heartless Bastards ( ( noddin0ff )
08. Are You Gonna Waste My Time? ~ Zeus ( ( Slosh )
09. Fever ~ Brute Heart ( ( Rae )
10. Bodies in the Dunes ~ Pop. 1280 ( ( nobody )
11. Orpheo Looks Back ~ Andrew Bird ( ( Mr. MidFi )
12. Getaway ~ Dr. John ( ( Davey )
13. Northern Soul ~ Cardinal ( ( Slosh )
14. Well, You Can Do it Without Me ~ Father John Misty ( ( noddin0ff )
The footnotes:
FLAC files are provided as a 4-part download (3x100MB + ~70MB). If you have problems figuring it out, post or PM me and we’ll resolve it. 2 files are not from lossless sources, but they’ve been converted to FLAC anyway.
FLAC01 (100MB) (
FLAC02 (100MB) (
FLAC03 (100MB) (
FLAC04 (66MB) (
MP3 files are 256kbkps vbr. The 2 aforementioned lossy files were converted from FLAC to MP3. I know most don’t care, but... full-disclosure.
MP3 (84MB) (
05-16-2012, 10:38 AM
I take it you aren't a Jack White fan, eh?
Looks good, pretty diverse mix. I was holding off listening to all the posted tracks until you strung it all together, but I'll download today.
05-16-2012, 11:00 AM
OH CRAP! I forgot Jack White! It's a good album too! I'll work out a quick fix. Stay tuned...
05-16-2012, 11:38 AM
You may now resume the original broadcast. Except for those of you who were quick to hit it. You'll have to grab again if you want the Jack White track. Thanks for the polite heads up, Davey!
Jim Clark
05-16-2012, 12:53 PM
Here's another one from me, though it's another old sounding type thing, and somewhat related to the other one I supplied. In this case, a revitalized Dr. John teaming with Dan Auerbach of the Black Keys, who took on a similar production role to what Jack White has done a few times now. I almost supplied a track at the same time as the Jack White, but the CD really sounds crap, compressed to the max. Really disappointing because the music is so good. But the LP completely saves it, huge difference, so below is Getaway in 16-44.1 flac from the LP (the Jack White track was also from vinyl, but in that case the CD was mastered very well so not much difference).
CD waveform (DR rating 6):
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR6 -0.30 dB -7.93 dB 4:59 01-Locked Down
DR6 -0.29 dB -7.23 dB 3:26 02-Revolution
DR6 -0.29 dB -8.53 dB 3:48 03-Big Shot
DR6 -0.29 dB -8.26 dB 4:24 04-Ice Age
DR5 -0.30 dB -7.60 dB 4:35 05-Getaway
DR6 -0.29 dB -7.80 dB 3:37 06-Kingdom of Izzness
DR7 -0.30 dB -8.98 dB 4:45 07-You Lie
DR7 -0.29 dB -9.04 dB 2:53 08-Eleggua
DR7 -0.30 dB -10.20 dB 5:07 09-My Children, My Angels
DR6 -0.29 dB -8.55 dB 4:57 10-God's Sure Good
Number of tracks: 10
Official DR value: DR6
LP waveform (DR rating 11):
DR Peak RMS Duration Track
DR11 -0.89 dB -13.90 dB 4:57 A1-Locked Down
DR11 -0.97 dB -13.11 dB 3:26 A2-Revolution
DR12 -0.54 dB -15.34 dB 3:49 A3-Big Shot
DR11 -1.10 dB -14.48 dB 4:24 A4-Ice Age
DR10 -2.01 dB -14.47 dB 4:35 A5-Getaway
DR12 -0.35 dB -13.77 dB 3:37 B1-Kingdom Of Izzness
DR12 -1.71 dB -15.51 dB 4:48 B2-You Lie
DR11 -2.08 dB -15.27 dB 2:54 B3-Eleggua
DR11 -1.72 dB -16.49 dB 5:09 B4-My Children, My Angels
DR10 -1.87 dB -15.26 dB 5:01 B5-God's Sure Good
Number of tracks: 10
Official DR value: DR11
I guess that's the only lesson we need to understand when we're trying to figure out why vinyl sounds so much better. I was gonna grab Beach House on vinyl but then I saw it was only 7.99 for the CD at BB. Tough to pass up 7.99.
05-16-2012, 02:03 PM
I'm a little surprised no one picked anything from The Shins or Springsteen. Me, I'm liking Smash Palace's new album, but unfortunately my CD hasn't arrived from Amazon yet (I have a Lame V0 copy to hold me over).
05-17-2012, 04:08 AM
Anybody else having trouble extracting the FLACs? My computer does not recognize them as archives with the .001, .002, etc... endings. I tried renaming them and putting .zip at the end but then it seems to mess with opening because I get an "unexpected end of archive" message, I guess when extracting they are linked and the names change messes that up? I'm using WinRAR. Anyone else having trouble or is this just me?
05-17-2012, 04:30 AM
Changing the extension won't help. The parent was a .zip file that was split into 4 parts. Singly, each part is not extractable. You have to concatenate them. I'm less familiar with the Windows side. I would expect WinRaR to work but perhaps you might need to open the .004 file first? Drag and Drop .004 onto WinRaR? It should automatically find the other parts. All 4 files need to be in the same directory and have the same filename (except for the .001, .002, .003, .004)
Different un-zip apps might work better. BetterZip on a Mac works.
An alternative, would be to use a separate concatenator first. I used a MacOS program called Split&Concat (link ( to create them and it will work in reverse as well.
On the PC side, I think hjsplit might be the choice (link (
05-17-2012, 05:45 AM
Thanks, I'll download that and give it a shot once I get back home tonight.
Mr MidFi
05-17-2012, 06:56 AM
I'm playing it right now... and so far, so good. Thanks for taking the initiative on this tasty bit o' DOOM, noddin!
05-18-2012, 04:51 AM
I'm a little surprised no one picked anything from The Shins or Springsteen. Me, I'm liking Smash Palace's new album, but unfortunately my CD hasn't arrived from Amazon yet (I have a Lame V0 copy to hold me over).
I had that Shin album in heavy rotation for a week or two but in the end, enjoyable as it is, nothing really stood out for me. Haven't heard a bit of Springsteen lately. Last I tuned in it was The Ghost of Tom Joad, which I still kinda like.
Mr MidFi
05-18-2012, 06:00 AM
Mini-Reviews of Each Song…
1. White Rabbits – Temporary
Of course, I like it. But part of me wishes I’d picked a less “obvious” song from the album. Most of it sounds like a 50/50 mix of Spoon and Phoenix. But a catchy way to start off the disc, nonetheless. Thanks again to Slosh for uploading it on my behalf.
2. Chromatics – Kill for Love
A nice, icy wave of 80s-ish electro-pop. Love the “I’d kill for love” refrain.
3. Brute Heart – In Limbo
Didn’t really grab me right from the start, but could be a grower. (I might have sequenced this track in closer proximity to the Andrew Bird one.)
4. Polica – Dark Star
This is probably the best track in the bunch. I have a chance to see them in August at Lolla… they weren’t on my radar before, but I’m penciling them in my schedule now (unless they’re conflicting with White Rabbits or the Walkmen).
5. Julia Holter – Marienbad
This quirky vocal exercise is entertaining primarily because of the skillful arrangement. Interesting, if you’re in the right mood.
6. Jack White – Love Interruption
I’m liking this album overall, and this song in particular. Another act I’m really looking forward to seeing this summer.
7. Heartless Bastards – Only for You
This is now the third or fourth song I have from these guys, and I like them all. So it’s probably time to pick up a whole dang disc, methinks.
8. Zeus – Are You Gonna Waste My Time?
Fun track. Wasn’t what I was expecting, based on the little I’d heard from them. Might have to hear more.
9. Brute Heart – Fever
Disturbing, like a fever dream… yet oddly familiar at the same time.
10. Pop 1280 – Bodies in the Dunes
Somebody (aka nobody) seems to have taken this “doom” theme one step beyond here. This is heavy dooooooommmm, baby.
11. Andrew Bird – Orpheo Looks Back
The happy-go-lucky flip-side of dooooooommmm. Nice contrast!
12. Dr. John – Getaway
You can definitely hear the Dan Aurbach influence here. The good doctor has always had one of the best blues voices around, and that helps to make this one of the better tracks in the comp.
13. Cardinal – Northern Soul
If I heard this song on the radio (or Pandora or whatever), my first thought would be “hey, Slosh would love this song.” Seriously. I like it too, btw.
14. Father John Misty – Well, You Can Do It Without Me
Sly, clever lyrics and a really nice voice. Who the hell is this guy, anyway?
05-18-2012, 09:41 AM
This comp killed my stereo!
No, really. I was listening to this today in my bedroom and my old Marantz SR5200 A/V receiver decided enough is enough and a capacitor or something in the pre-amp let go. Both digital and analog inputs now have this unbearable static noise. The 6-channel analog input is the only one that sounds right. Time to dig out my old Denon pre-pro for the time being.
Any receivers in the $500-$600 range worth buying anymore? A quick search and nothing turned up with 6-channel analog inputs (which I need for an old Pioneer Elite SACD/DVD-A player). I guess I can get by with just HDMI since my blu-ray player will play SACD and I can convert DVD-Audio to FLAC.
Mr MidFi
05-18-2012, 12:08 PM
This comp killed my stereo!
No, really. I was listening to this today in my bedroom and my old Marantz SR5200 A/V receiver decided enough is enough and a capacitor or something in the pre-amp let go. Both digital and analog inputs now have this unbearable static noise. The 6-channel analog input is the only one that sounds right. Time to dig out my old Denon pre-pro for the time being.
Any receivers in the $500-$600 range worth buying anymore? A quick search and nothing turned up with 6-channel analog inputs (which I need for an old Pioneer Elite SACD/DVD-A player). I guess I can get by with just HDMI since my blu-ray player will play SACD and I can convert DVD-Audio to FLAC.
Well, that blows goats. Between your receiver and my computer, it's not a good month for RR electronics.
Wish I could help you on a replacement, but I've been out of the market for a few years now. Good luck!
05-18-2012, 12:47 PM
I'd like to know the skinny on Father John Misty too. That song, long with the Dr. John was excellent. Hell, there's a lot of good stuff on this with maybe the "Brute Heart" being a creeper...definetely a few ideas to go on the shopping list.
Thanks n0ddy!
05-18-2012, 04:37 PM
Well, it seems $600 now-a-days buys you crap. All the receivers in that price range are lucky to reach 25lbs (with 7 channels, no less). For the sake of comparison, the Onkyo TX-SR805 I have in my livingroom weighs 51lbs. and my cheapie Marantz is 30-something lbs. Back when I got the Mazantz $600 got you a nice no frills receiver with a good amp section. Guess I'll have to double my budget even though this is for my "cheap" bedroom system.
05-18-2012, 06:08 PM
Hey Sloshy! - Open Box: ONKYO TX-NR809 7.2-Channel 3D Network A/V Receiver (
05-19-2012, 03:53 AM
Hey Sloshy! - Open Box: ONKYO TX-NR809 7.2-Channel 3D Network A/V Receiver ( was a really good deal, but unfortunately I saw it too late. Onkyo cheapened their amps on the 800 series after 2007, though for a bedroom I'm sure it would have been fine. I'm running my ancient Denon pre/pro through the Marantz's 6-channel analog input for the time being and it sounds pretty good. Now that I need a new receiver I would like DTS-MA and Dolby TrueHD (and native DSD decoding) on this system.
My 805 replaced separates. I was planning to just use it for a pre/pro but its own amps sound so good that wasn't necessary.
05-19-2012, 01:28 PM
That song, long with the Dr. John was excellent.
Yea, that DJ record is first class. If you want to hear the rest of the vinyl rip, PM me.
05-21-2012, 05:00 AM
Well, I figure since Nods went to the trouble of compiling and posting and everyone else went through the trouble of uploading, I can go to the trouble of doing a little track-by-track thing copying off MidFi. SO here goes...
1. White Rabbits – Temporary
I'd not heard anything about this before, but great opening track. It's got a synthy vibe totally upbeat and catchy but nice and driving beat, I dig this, will wanna check out the album.
2. Chromatics – Kill for Love
Mine so yeah, I dig it. Goes well after the previous song.
3. Brute Heart – In Limbo
Stuttery, vaguely interesting. The vocals remind me vaguely of Kate Bush, which is a compliment for many but not for me, never liked her. Sounds like something that may be better spread out in a full legth.
4. Polica – Dark Star
I think on these comps I probably tend to gravitate to the catchier stuff. Here's another one. I've heard this song around but never knew who it was. Nice mid tempo with good drive, Nicely atmospheric. Vague hints of a more energetic XX. I'll definitely look into these guys a bit more and expect I'll be grabbing this.
5. Julia Holter – Marienbad
Nice come down from the last track. Not bad, but not really my kinda thing. Pretty enough and interesting instrumentation, but the vocals are just a bit too esoteric for my tastes.
6. Jack White – Love Interruption
My favorite song off the new Jack White, which I like but don't love like White Stripes stuff. He'll never catch that lightnening in a bottle again, but this is a really nice song. I like the mellower stuff off the new album best.
7. Heartless Bastards – Only for You
I like these guys OK. I like them more in song length doses than when I've listened to the whole album through for some reason. But this is a nice song I probably let slip past me when I last listened to the whole thing.
8. Zeus – Are You Gonna Waste My Time?
Cool intro. A bit too much 70s rock on the vocals for me, decent riffs.
9. Brute Heart – Fever
I like this one better than the other Brute Heart tune on here. Kind of calutrophobic, the vocals aren't as high pitched. This one now has me much more curious about this group. WIll want to give them a longer listen sometime.
10. Pop 1280 – Bodies in the Dunes
Another of mine, just felt like tossing in something to melt some ears.
11. Andrew Bird – Orpheo Looks Back
Sorry, just not a fan. Mostly, the earnest singer-songwriter stuff just makes me wanna get all JOhn Belushi, guitar smashy. I'm sure this guy is great if you're into this sort of thing as I know he has a ton of fans.
12. Dr. John – Getaway
I've never been a big Dr. John fan, but have always found him solid. This new one is pretty darn good. I've already got this and I think the Auerbach influence is pretty apparent, and I think it really helps update the good Doctor's sound without compromising his roots.
13. Cardinal – Northern Soul
Solid jangle pop. This is the sort of thing I rarely pull out myself but enjoy hearing when it randomly makes it to my ears.
14. Father John Misty – Well, You Can Do It Without Me
Been curious about this. If you're into Graham Parsons and the Grateful Dead's more straight forward moments, this is probably right up your alley. I could hear this when hanging out with my stoner friends and not mind it, but probably won't be grabbing it.
Anyway, some cool stuff, plenty of which I'd not heard before. At least 2-3 that I will be subsequently grabbing. Thanks guys. I've missed not doing as many comps around here as used to be the norm. Appreciate the effort nod.
05-30-2012, 06:35 AM
Great comments Mr MidFi, nobody
I was giving this another listen this morning. I chip in my micro-comments.
1. White Rabbits – Temporary
I was having a hard time picking a lead off song. This won because it was up tempo and was less straight forward than the other up-Ts. I wasn't to big on the song in particular at first, but I figured it would grow on me and thus deserved the spotlight at number 1. And, it's grown on me nicely.
2. Chromatics – Kill for Love
Tempo was a hard thing to string together on this mix. I put this hear because the synth rhythm reminded me of the above. Compare #1@1:12 and #2 at 0:50 and call me crazy. Also needed something mid-temp to ease into the next series.
3. Brute Heart – In Limbo
I liked this one right away. I like the feel of all the parts: plinky echos, harmonies, buzzy tones, violin. Comes together real nice. One of my faves here.
4. Polica – Dark Star
Really didn't like the first 20 seconds. But somehow as a whole,this whole song gels. I sometimes feel like I'm being manipulated by memes (a rare case of nice auto tuning, e.g.). The crazy in me hears a mashup of DeBarge and Portishead. Still,when I listen I have to admit it's a good song.
5. Julia Holter – Marienbad
Hard song to sequence (1st of 3 tough ones). I like this kind of stuff. Kudos to jonnyhambone for throwing it in the mix. I placed it more or less as a bookend on the first half of the mix.
6. Jack White – Love Interruption
Transition time. Need to go from anxious pleasantries and moody tones to rock. This track was perfect for that. Excellent track as well. I think he should've named the song 'Love Destruction'. Since destruction is not on his list of things he won't let, and it seems to be what he wants. My pick for best lyrics of the set.
7. Heartless Bastards – Only for You
My pick. Straight up rock but they put their heart right out there. Fit the love theme.
8. Zeus – Are You Gonna Waste My Time?
Really like this flashback. It's the 70's done right in 2 and a half minutes, right down to the cowbell.
9. Brute Heart – Fever
Burned through the 3 rock tracks. Now where to? Abrupt transition. It would have fit better in the first half. I just thought the mix needed to be balanced or it would just sound like 3 chunks slammed together. I liked this one too, not as much as In Limbo though. I imagine the intent was for me to pick one. This was difficult track 2 of 3. They were both good though.
10. Pop 1280 – Bodies in the Dunes
Here I suspected nobody was messing with me. The Doom theme theory makes sense though. Can't say I like this track much. Nowhere near as good as nobody's usual selections, IMO. This where I stuck difficult track 3 of 3.
11. Andrew Bird – Orpheo Looks Back
This was the last track I bumped. It was sitting at #4 forever. Then in the crazy part of the brain, the little schick, schtick, schick in the intro seemed to echo the thud, thud, thud of the pounding on garbage can lids at the end of Bodies. Thus, Orpheo became the link after Bodies. And, I agree, a nice contrast. A good track from the album. I think I'm starting to O.D. on Mr. Bird, but I can't help myself from liking him.
12. Dr. John – Getaway
I never quite like Dr. John the way I think I should. He's got the perfect voice and delivery. Here's he's got a decent band/engineer behind him. Still, his songs just never take me anywhere. This track could be 1 minute long and I'd get the same out of it; I find myself wanting to FF at the 2 min mark, which is how I feel about most all of the rest of his I've heard. I don't deny his greatness. It just seems to be a shallow greatness.
13. Cardinal – Northern Soul
I like this track. Its simplish, but oh so harmonious and sweet. It would have been a great closer. How can you go wrong with "Hallelujah". But, I reason as below...
14. Father John Misty – Well, You Can Do It Without Me
Picked this up after hopping various review sites looking for something new. I have a habit of trying to squeeze some humor at the end of comps. This was perfect. It's a great song, wry lyrics. Style and grace. Again, the crazy says that I'm listening to the love child of Lyle Lovett and Hunter S. Thompson. Closes nicely.
...and I have to ask since I haven't even seen a pity comment. Didn't anyone click on the colored words?
06-01-2012, 05:08 PM
I thought maybe the mix needed a palette cleanser.
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