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03-29-2012, 01:41 PM
Video streaming could overtake physical disc sales in the US this year. Legal online movie streaming in the US will hit the 3.4 billion mark this year, up from 1.4 billion in 2011, according to Bloomberg. Physical DVD and Blu-ray viewings are forecast to drop from 2.6 billion to 2.4 billion and there's no sign of a slowdown in media streaming.

“We are looking at the beginning of the end of the age of movies on physical media like DVD and Blu-ray,” Dan Cryan, IHS senior principal analyst, says in the statement. “But the transition is likely to take time: almost nine years after the launch of the iTunes Store, CDs are still a vital part of the music business.”

The report highlights the price disparity between online purchases and movies sold in retail shops. Consumers paid an average of 51 cents for every movie consumed online, compared with $4.72 for physically purchased videos.

Online Film Viewing in U.S. to Top Discs in 2012, IHS Says - Bloomberg (

Sir Terrence the Terrible
04-03-2012, 01:28 PM
Video streaming could overtake physical disc sales in the US this year. Legal online movie streaming in the US will hit the 3.4 billion mark this year, up from 1.4 billion in 2011, according to Bloomberg. Physical DVD and Blu-ray viewings are forecast to drop from 2.6 billion to 2.4 billion and there's no sign of a slowdown in media streaming.

“We are looking at the beginning of the end of the age of movies on physical media like DVD and Blu-ray,” Dan Cryan, IHS senior principal analyst, says in the statement. “But the transition is likely to take time: almost nine years after the launch of the iTunes Store, CDs are still a vital part of the music business.”

The report highlights the price disparity between online purchases and movies sold in retail shops. Consumers paid an average of 51 cents for every movie consumed online, compared with $4.72 for physically purchased videos.

Online Film Viewing in U.S. to Top Discs in 2012, IHS Says - Bloomberg (

Remember Smoke, this is a forecast of what they predict will happen, not what has happened already. They are also talking about VIEWINGS, not actual revenue. Last year, DVD lost revenue, VOD and Streaming was flat, but Bluray disc sales were up 58%. Since then DVD sales have stabilized, Bluray continues to rise as does streaming revenue due to contracts being re-negotiated. VOD has remained totally flat.

04-17-2012, 09:06 PM
Interesting. Thanks for the post. :)