Is there a single, solitary soul around here ... [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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11-25-2003, 06:01 PM
... that would care to try and defend this scam called "The Medicare Reform Bill" that just got pushed and shoved through Congress? My own Senator (Dianne Feinstein) voted for it - pissed me off big time! How anyone with even half a brain could defend it and call it a good thing for Seniors is completely beyond my comprehension. So, who's ready to try?

karl k
11-25-2003, 07:14 PM
you can starve someone for so long that they will gladly suck down a piece of doody and be so thankful to the supplier for it that they will ask him to stay for awhile longer?

Almost as bad as asking to buy your vote with tax reform that you WILL have to pay back eventually! We didn't vote him in office, we just leased him while we looked for another Clinton! :D LOL!

12-02-2003, 12:23 PM
... and I was stunned at what I found out. One of the provisions of this "Reform bill" is that the government is DISALLOWED to make any attempt whatsoever to negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies for lower drug prices for low-income seniors! Now ain't that a kick in the head?

I also found out that a good portion of the "cost" of this "reform" is in the form of grants and subsidies to the pharmaceuticals and to the HMOs for their participation in the new program!

The one major part of the bill that sticks in my craw is the fact that the so-called "help" with drug costs for seniors doesn't even come into play for more than TWO YEARS! And Bushie-boy is gonna be campaigning up the ol' gazoo next year to seniors, telling them what a grand thing he did for them ... sheeeeeeeeesh!

12-07-2003, 07:34 AM
If memory serves me correctly, there was a guy, his VP running mate and his wife that hit the campaign trail a few years ago with this major league 'Pipe Dream" and "Promises" of creating a "National Health Care" plan for ALL americans.

Remember that??????

His first run for the office of president he championed 'National Health Care" as a cornerstone of his campaign.

Fizzled dismally.

8 years in the Oval Office and ZIPSH!T for health care. In fact, during his tenure health care costs SKYROCKETED.

There's some major league money and power in the health care industry.

Evidently, they prefer the "Status Quo".

Either that or it's "The Republicans" fault. Right?????

12-08-2003, 04:20 AM
the program is this: the rich get richer. This legislation is not for the seniors, it is for the drug companies and the HMO's. People like Bush and the congresspeople (also those they really serve) regard people like US as just the means to their ends. Remember the flap during the Nixon era when Agnew tried to do away with the Bill of Rights? Bush is planning the same, I have heard. Terrorism will be the excuse. We will then be the slaves they have always wanted us to be. Our liberties have galled these people for over two hundred years, and they'll have an end to it...


12-08-2003, 07:09 AM
This is just the beginnings to get the program privated. It will take until 2006 to see how this bill plays out. But it is interesting to see the democrats are mad because the republicans did something about this rather than keeping it an issue they can run on.

12-08-2003, 05:54 PM is interesting to see the democrats are mad because the republicans did something about this rather than keeping it an issue they can run on.

Who did what? No Bryan - the Republicans did NOT "do something" at all. What they did was push through a ripoff of a hoax of a scam of a mockery of a trick of a fraud of a sham ... a pretend effort that they were doing something to actually help seniors (like me). What it is in truth is a massive giveaway to the insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry. It's an insult, is what it is.


12-08-2003, 06:40 PM
Who did what? No Bryan - the Republicans did NOT "do something" at all. What they did was push through a ripoff of a hoax of a scam of a mockery of a trick of a fraud of a sham ... a pretend effort that they were doing something to actually help seniors (like me). What it is in truth is a massive giveaway to the insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry. It's an insult, is what it is.


.....and "They" (Republicans of course) did this amazing feat WITHOUT ANY Democratic support - pushed this monstrous bill through the House and Senate too......quite amazing isn't it.

Disagreeing with legistlation is fine. Senseless bashing is something else.

12-08-2003, 06:56 PM
Woodman's bashing may not be as senseless as you think. How many other seniors do you think are also able to see thru the smoke and mirrors? They've been around the barn a few times. The lies wear thin after a while...


12-09-2003, 07:32 AM
And there is still two years before any of this takes effect. Does anyone here think things in the bill will not change before it is enacted? The main purpose of this bill is to get it on the way to being privatized. Seniors are not the only ones impacted by this legislation, albeit that is where your focus is. It affects baby boomers, generation X, and generation Y. Legislation is not meant to be good for everyone though everyone thinks it should be that way. If some people had their way the government would pay for everything, all while taking more money out of our paychecks in order to do so. Yet that isn't what the government is there for. Rather than Medicare paying for something for me I would be far better off with a medical savings account or some sort of privatized program. By the time I am ready to retire Medicare will either no longer exist or have long since been broke. Wait and see what happens. I must ask this: What would you think of the bill if you were in the 30 or 40 age bracket rather than a senior? You just may find your point of view to be vastly different.