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10-24-2011, 08:44 AM
Watching the news lately really sickens me. Yeah, I know that whenever I think I have it real bad, I can watch the news and realize I actually have it great but....

From the time I was around 10 years old, I had a wild idea as to how to deal with violent criminals. You know, the old "eye for an eye" theory. I came up with the idea that whatever these sickos do to others would get done back to them. The only hole in that theory would be the guilt trip put on the person or persons that had to do the deed back to the criminal.

So I came up with the idea that we should build a machine that the crime was input into and that action or actions were then taken out on the criminal in question.

With where things have gone in science and virtual reality over the last 40 years, we are almost close enough to do something like this.

What has prompted this to resurface is the story as of late in Philly of this sick ass woman who held several handicapped individuals as prisoners to collect their SS checks. During their captivity they were tortured and chained in dank basements.

These poor individuals were placed in this sicko's custody after she served a 4 year sentence for locking her sister's boyfriend in a closet until he starved to death. The system has really failed.

So when they finally do convict her again, the tax payers have to shell out another $35k plus a year to house this animal. What she should really get is a few 45mm shots to the knee caps and have her bleed out in agony but even that is too good for this animal.

So bring on the Jail-o-deck and that way there is no real executioner besides the original criminal. The machine can read their minds, or the crime can be input or scanned in so when the criminal enters the room, they get back everything they did to others.

This would be the best kind of Reality TV we could have along with bringing back Public Hangings.

Every criminal knows that there are hardly any consequences to ones actions anymore. You can kill a person and be out within 1 to 4 years. But, sell or buy a few drugs and you are in for 20.

Thoughts-comments-better ideas???

10-26-2011, 04:10 PM
From the time I was around 10 years old, I had a wild idea as to how to deal with violent criminals. You know, the old "eye for an eye" theory. I came up with the idea that whatever these sickos do to others would get done back to them. The only hole in that theory would be the guilt trip put on the person or persons that had to do the deed back to the criminal.nah, just taking out the trash

What has prompted this to resurface is the story as of late in Philly of this sick ass woman who held several handicapped individuals as prisoners to collect their SS checks. During their captivity they were tortured and chained in dank basements.These poor individuals were placed in this sicko's custody after she served a 4 year sentence for locking her sister's boyfriend in a closet until he starved to death. The system has really failed.
it just made her a better criminal. Her sister's boyfriend was for fun, the handicapped persons were for profit.

So when they finally do convict her again, the tax payers have to shell out another $35k plus a year to house this animal. What she should really get is a few 45mm shots to the knee caps and have her bleed out in agony but even that is too good for this animal.I wouldn't lose sleep

This would be the best kind of Reality TV we could have along with bringing back Public Hangings. no it wouldn't :skep:

Every criminal knows that there are hardly any consequences to ones actions anymore. it must be a very peaceful existence really. I remark that to my wife all the time, whenever we watch one of those crime/mystery shows on TV, you know, the ones where a person plans the murder of their spouse, usually for financial gain. It must be a care-free existence to not have any notion or concept of an afterlife, karma or anything that might make one think twice about doing something so obviously wrong... they must be crazy, right?

You can kill a person and be out within 1 to 4 years. But, sell or buy a few drugs and you are in for 20. well, maybe not 1 to 4 years if you really meant to do it, but yeah, the punishment for drugs run neck-n-neck with violent crimes. Maybe its because drug pushers are infringing on a gov't controlled vice industry. Think of the lost tax revenue regained if drug addicts would just drown their sorrows in booze and smoke tobacco instead of a non-taxed substances. Remember Al Capone? Why was he rotting in prison when he died? It wasn't for murder.

10-27-2011, 07:25 AM
""This would be the best kind of Reality TV we could have along with bringing back Public Hangings.""

3LB said - no it wouldn't

So why not. Public Hangings and Stonings used to go a long way to deter crime and bad behavior. All people know about death and consequences today is what they learn from video games. Such as, everyone who gets maimed, blown up, shot or otherwise, gets up and is fine after the reset or new game starts.

If people actually could see what happens to those who commit these vicious acts end up, how many do you think would follow?

I sure hope you are not advocating that some unproven being or entity will deal with them later at judgement time. We need to deal with these animals NOW.

Followup on my mentioned case. The woman's lawyer is now trying to get her to not be able to stand trial on competency. I call bull**** on that one. She was competent enough to knowingly kill her sisters boyfriend, get custody of her own kids after getting out after ONLY 4 years, competent enough to get custody of multiple handicapped people to steal their checks, mame and torture them but now is not competent to stand trial. Yeah right! And if that goes thru, again the current system has failed.

There is no rehabilitating these people and the money to cage them up is a big waste. She had her second chance, now it's time for the good people to have their chance without the vicious criminals in their way.

Take em out and be done with it, then let the judgement begin instead of waiting 30 years or more victims.

10-27-2011, 01:11 PM
So why not. Public Hangings and Stonings used to go a long way to deter crime and bad behavior. I haven't seen any figures on this

If people actually could see what happens to those who commit these vicious acts end up, how many do you think would follow? still happened anyway, as it was way easier to evade detection and the law

I sure hope you are not advocating that some unproven being or entity will deal with them later at judgement time. We need to deal with these animals NOW. no argument there

There is no rehabilitating these people and the money to cage them up is a big waste. She had her second chance, now it's time for the good people to have their chance without the vicious criminals in their way.Take em out and be done with it, then let the judgement begin instead of waiting 30 years or more victims. agreed

When a question came up over the use of capital punishment at a recent get-together with friends and aquaintences, I expressed I was for it in cases of premeditated murder, serial rapists and serial child molesters, and the question was put to me, "why do I believe I'm any different from a murderer, when I murder a murderer?" What makes me any better than a murdered if I condone a murder of another human being, especially if that person has serious mental or emotional issues?" I told this person (a female) "I, as one human being to another, promise not to do bodily harm to you; I won't stalk and abduct you, rape you, torture or kill you, nor will I stalk, aduct, rape, torture or kill your children. This is a promise that these psychopaths are either incapable of making or are unwilling to make."

Televised executions may or may not stem the tide of violent crime. Sex offender registration hasn't stemmed the number of child molestations or abductions. Most criminals are just as technically savvy as "normal" people. I'm not in the least bit interested in watching a televised execution.