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05-07-2011, 03:01 PM
hey guys maybe someone can help me with this one. a couple a weeks ago i purchased an HK avr 635 receiver second hand but later found out that i need a phono pre amp for my turntable and a little more power certainly would'nt hurt to feed a pair of CV e 712s which by the way are lacking in the highs dept. but thats what i've got for now, anyway today i was rumaging thru yard sales thrift shops and the like and stumbled upon an old NAD 2200 amp & 1155 pre amp, i had to grab them as i've heard many good things about them over the years. so now i pose this there any way i can combine the HK and NAD power & still be able to utilize all the HKs functions,( the remote , the surround etc,,,) and my turntable or am i just dreaming? the HK does have pre outs that the owners guide says for when more power is desired, well ihave the power & the desire just don't how or if possible HELP!!

Mr Peabody
05-07-2011, 05:00 PM
I feel the optimum way would be..... I doubt the NAD pre has a Theater Bypass, so, go from your HK main (left/right) preamp outputs into the NAD preamp's "tape monitor" input. This set up will require you to have the NAD set at the same volume every time you use the home theater so remember the number if digital or mark the dial some how if analog, I used Scotch tape. Hook the NAD pre & power together with your main left/right speaker hooked to the power amp. The NAD gear will need to be on, then run the HK's set up so all speakers balance. This will be your HT configuration. When using HT the "tape monitor" will need to be on and turn it off for 2-channel. With listening to 2-channel the HK will not need to be on and you'd use the NAD pre & power amp as usual. This will also give the best 2-channel sound quality.

Another way would be to just use the NAD power amp by going from the HK preamp outputs for the mains into the NAD power amp and hooking the main speakers to the power amp. This would be using the HK as preamp. Then you still have to do something for the turntable. If the NAD preamp has a phono stage then you could use that by hooking from the NAD preamp tape monitor output into one of the HK's analog input. The tape monitor would need to be on. Then you'd only have the NAD preamp on when using the turntable. The tape out would provide a fixed output, you would not want to use the preamp outs. So the turntable goes into the phono input and out of the preamp via the tape out into the HK. I really think the first set up would be best.

05-07-2011, 06:02 PM
I would plug your turntable into the NAD preamp phono and then plug the NAD into a high input of the HK. As efficient as the CV's are I can not imagine you need more power. If you are wanting multiple channel sound I would stick with the HK and sell the stereo power amp. You never know, if you sell the amp for the price of the preamp and amp you will have the preamp for free.

05-08-2011, 06:25 AM
To Mr Peabody and JohnMichael, thank you both very much for your help, all of your suggestions seem to work very well, the only reason i figured i needed more power is because many years ago i kept frying the tweets in my ESS heil air motion speakers and i was told by someone i had a fair amont of trust in that my receiver was not powerful enough to feed the speakers & maintain the volume levels i'm looking for, ( as long as it's crisp & solid ) he compared it to trying to drive 100 mph in 1st gear also i'm planning to add more speaks down the road. any other input is always appreciated THANKS AGAIN!!!

05-08-2011, 06:30 AM
Mr P's first suggestion is how I use my HK635 integrated into a Main setup. HK drives center, rear and sub with F L/R going to my VAC for HT and when not using the HK, my main setup drives my fronts and sub. Works just fine that way.

05-08-2011, 07:27 AM
To Mr Peabody and JohnMichael, thank you both very much for your help, all of your suggestions seem to work very well, the only reason i figured i needed more power is because many years ago i kept frying the tweets in my ESS heil air motion speakers and i was told by someone i had a fair amont of trust in that my receiver was not powerful enough to feed the speakers & maintain the volume levels i'm looking for, ( as long as it's crisp & solid ) he compared it to trying to drive 100 mph in 1st gear also i'm planning to add more speaks down the road. any other input is always appreciated THANKS AGAIN!!!

Yes an under powered receiver will create clipping distortion that will blow the tweeters. The CV's are very efficient and if you stay with the same brand you will have enough power. If you purchase a pair of speakers with less sensitivity then the integration of the power amp will be helpful.

Mr Peabody
05-08-2011, 10:41 AM
If your goal is better sound quality the NAD gear will sound better than the HK receiver. Also, using the NAD power amp on mains will relieve burden from the HK's power supply, two less channels drawing power. Unless, you needed the money or something using the NAD in your system is a win/win situation.