New Elbow on March 8! Hooray!!! [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : New Elbow on March 8! Hooray!!!

02-27-2011, 06:43 AM
Called "Build a Rocket Boys!"

It's funny because Hubby and I were just discussing that they're due for a new one soon and then I got an email from Amazon to pre-order the March 8 release.

The new REM is out on the same day. I think I'll pre-order them together.


02-27-2011, 03:34 PM
I was just listening to the debut, great album, maybe their only one that I don't have some reservations on. Guess it's mostly the sound, just has a better sound to me. Not nearly as compressed as some of their later ones, and a bit darker, more fluid. I don't know, just has that something, more of the Peter Gabriel sound. You'd think it would suffer from being pieced together from a series of EPs, and have a more disjointed sound, but it doesn't. Or maybe it does, and that's what I like. Very recommended. What do you think is their best and/or your favorite?