KT88 Tubes amps [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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02-26-2011, 12:20 PM
Just curious - how would generalize the sound of KT88 amps/tubes?

Jack in Wilmington
02-26-2011, 07:46 PM
Adam, I find the KT88 tubes are characterized by a tight well defined bass. Where a set of EL34's will give you a warmer mellow sound. But the KT88's won't over cook the bass like some solid state amps tend to do. I'm assuming that your Mystere ia11 has the EL34's and you're thinking of rolling them.

02-27-2011, 05:51 AM
I have KT88s in my amp (an Image 65i). They replaced the 6550s that came with the amp.

In general, the KT88s sound a bit more vivid to me, but to be fair there was also a new tube vs old tube issue. However, some years ago I had Dynaco Mk III amps and also did the switch from 6550 to KT88 with the same impression.

I don't know anything about the amp you're running now, but be careful about switching tubes. 6550/KT88 is a direct switch, but many amps cannot switch from EL34 or other tubes to KT88 without a circuit change. Check your instructions carefully before proceeding.

02-27-2011, 03:42 PM
I've owned a KT88 amps and it was great. However, all KT88's are not the same. I rolled to a set of Genelex Gold Lions and never looked back. Detailed and extended, with punchy bass. I'm looking at a new (used) KT88 amp now; http://cgi.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/auc.pl?ampstube&1298945830&1298850116 God help me!

03-01-2011, 04:58 PM
I've owned a KT88 amps and it was great. However, all KT88's are not the same. I rolled to a set of Genelex Gold Lions and never looked back. Detailed and extended, with punchy bass. I'm looking at a new (used) KT88 amp now; http://cgi.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/auc.pl?ampstube&1298945830&1298850116 God help me!

OMG those things are f'ing monsters!!!!!

As to why I'm asking.

Just curious if my general impression matches that of others. You know, I've talked to folks but I wanted to get a since of what the board things.

This is in regards to the Melody MK88 amp. I got back the technical detail last week and finished and submitted the review to my 'editor'. Once that is complete, off to Hugh and Tim review and then I'll publish here. Hopefully next week. Great little amp btw - if you want my quick opinion. I'd loved to have rolled in some different, higher grade tubes.