Acoustic Research sub PR 1212 ,doubt about led [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


View Full Version : Acoustic Research sub PR 1212 ,doubt about led

Ricardo ferreira
04-11-2004, 10:58 AM
I purchased one sub and the manual says that the rear led is red in standby and should turn green when the sub is on.Im mine , instead of the led turnning green, it remains red even when itn is on. the only light that changes is the front led turs blue when the sub receives signal.the sub is working properly, but is turning off automatically?Is there any problem or this is a manual error? It is still under warranty , so i can exchange it is this a malfunction?does any body has opinion about this sub? Thank you for any help

05-08-2004, 06:50 PM
I have an AR sub myself.......and it does the same thing, I called the company and said
that the specs has change and led stays red all the time now. So do not bother to change it. it is ok.
I change my for another one exactly the same model, I though mine was defective,The sub "POPS" loud when it shuts down automatically. Does yours do the same??
It is very annoying wen listening music on a soft part of a track and then you hear a "POP"
that wrecks the music.......

03-29-2005, 09:46 AM
I have an AR sub myself.......and it does the same thing, I called the company and said
that the specs has change and led stays red all the time now. So do not bother to change it. it is ok.
I change my for another one exactly the same model, I though mine was defective,The sub "POPS" loud when it shuts down automatically. Does yours do the same??
It is very annoying wen listening music on a soft part of a track and then you hear a "POP"
that wrecks the music.......

You know if have the same problem with my PR808 sub, but I too called them and told them about the light problem. They said that the majority of these sub have a problem with the led themselfs so I think that is normal. Oh my sub too does "pops" on and off while it senses the bass info on or off. Other than that this is a GREAT SOUNDING SUB!!!