Netflix streaming resolution [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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12-26-2010, 09:22 AM
was watching Lost for the first time via streaming Netflix and the picture was just fantastic. I have the Samsung 6900 player and wantt to know if it upconverts all sources and if so to what resolution? also what resolution does netflix stream at?


Sir Terrence the Terrible
12-29-2010, 01:32 PM
was watching Lost for the first time via streaming Netflix and the picture was just fantastic. I have the Samsung 6900 player and wantt to know if it upconverts all sources and if so to what resolution? also what resolution does netflix stream at?


If you are watching their SD stream's, you are getting 480p 24fps for movies, and 480p 30fps for video based sources.

If you are watching their X-high or high bitrate HD video streams, you are looking at 720p 24 or 30fps for films and video based sources.

Right now only the PS3 is capable of 1080p 24fps video, but it is really 1080i 24fps with the player combining the individual 1080i fields into a single 1080p image. This means you get all the resolution of 1080p, with the bandwidth of a 1080i transmission system.

01-01-2011, 09:02 PM
and now with an HP 410a working seamlessly with my (large) laptop, my next goal is to feed a Samsung Blu-ray from the high-speed DSL using our Cisco E3000. Then we will consider this newfangled Netflix. And Pandora in the bedroom- FM without having to buy a tuner!

We are not total luddites- we have been upscaling the video from a Sony VHS (remember VHS?) to 1080i for the last 6 years and getting a great picture. VHS tapes from earlier than 1980 will not scale to 720p...... unless you like talking jelly blobs.