AVR pre-outs and mult-input observation [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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10-21-2010, 08:43 AM
Over the years I've spent countless hours looking for the right AVRs. One common theme is this...
mult pre-outs (for external amp) in AVRs only come on the upper price range models...say, $700 and up
...while mult-channel inputs for SACD and Blu-Ray players are common on even the lowest cost receivers. I own a $100 Sherwood receiver with mult-channel inputs.

I don't understand this...either this is a way to force folks to pay more for their AVRs or the pre-outs are more expensive to produce.

Anyone have an explanation?

10-21-2010, 09:01 AM
I have an older HK 635 with no hdmi but has all pre outs. I think I paid less than $400 for it.

10-21-2010, 09:08 AM
I have an older HK 635 with no hdmi but has all pre outs. I think I paid less than $400 for it.

Hyfi...was the $400 retail or did you pick it up used or on clearance? I just don't see any receiver around $400 or $500 for that matter with mult channel pre-outs.

I just did a quick search and the 635 retailed at $1300.

10-21-2010, 09:33 AM
My bad, just looked up my order from JR and it was $599.

I think it must have been the Mirage OM-12 that I got real cheap when they stopped making the 12.

10-21-2010, 09:59 AM
I'll go with choice number one. Money does make this world go-round.

10-21-2010, 10:51 AM
Over the years I've spent countless hours looking for the right AVRs. One common theme is this...
mult pre-outs (for external amp) in AVRs only come on the upper price range models...say, $700 and up
...while mult-channel inputs for SACD and Blu-Ray players are common on even the lowest cost receivers. I own a $100 Sherwood receiver with mult-channel inputs.

I don't understand this...either this is a way to force folks to pay more for their AVRs or the pre-outs are more expensive to produce.

Anyone have an explanation?

Actually that is changing.
When I CONSIDERED taking back my Integra 6.9 , I noticed that the much pricier 7.4
(2010 model) didn't have any multichannel inputs. I have heard from several sources that these will be phased out over time, probably due to the fact that they are analog.
Wouldnt surprize me if eventually you don't have any analog connections, the industry being paranoid about copying. DON'T see how they could kill pre outs tho, that would kill amp sales.
The reasoning behind reserving pre outs for pricier models, BTW, is that this is considered
an upscale feature, mostly used for external amps and building a separates system.
NOW YOU WOULDN'T want a cheap receiver as the nerve center of your expensive separates system, now would you? Not to mention that pre outs cost money to install,
and can produce noise if not done right. And their main purpose for multichannel inputs( for DD and DTS
decoders, and later SACD and DVD audio players) are pretty much over, with SACD allowed HDMI now, and DVD audio pretty much dead. As is the external decorder
market.So pre outs will be all you get, and that on higher end receivers.:1: