Well let's see...General!! [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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10-12-2010, 10:54 AM
Hey everyone!! Hope all you Canucks enjoyed the weekend.

My father in law has made some adjustments to his system. He's a Denon man through and through. Anyhow, I would like some opinions on value for a couple of pieces. If anyone has a need, PM me.

He uses only Tributaries. There are 3 sets of 3M Delta Components, and 2 75ohm Delta Coaxial. Super minty, approx 3 years old. How much are these worth roughly?


This is a Paradigm CC-50 center channel. Anyone have an estimate for me?


So I traded some speakers with him. My Paradigm Model 7se for his KLH Model 38's. I hooked up the 38's in my comp system which has the Pioneer SX-650 powering them. I was pleasantly impressed. Firstly, the bass response was incredible. Very low and reasonably accurate for thier age, etc. Overall, similar to my Dynaco A25's in presentation and sound but with way better bass extension.


How much can I get for this baby? He is too old to eat. He can juggle and walk on his hands. We have also trained him to respond to the names of Frank, Dave and Mike.


10-12-2010, 11:43 AM
I was about to make you an offer for the baby, but if he doesn't answer to Gordie or Dougie, he's not much use to me.

10-12-2010, 11:45 AM
I was about to make you an offer for the baby, but if he doesn't answer to Gordie or Dougie, he's not much use to me.
Couldn't you wipe his mind and retrain him?

10-12-2010, 11:50 AM
...we have also trained him to respond to the names of Frank, Dave and Mike.

ha ha that's classic

10-12-2010, 01:42 PM
In Canada on Thanksgiving: Be cute. The life you save could be your own.

10-12-2010, 05:38 PM
No input yet...I could really use some guidance regarding the value of this stuff.

On a side note, and certainly NOT a sales note. I was completely shocked at just how great the Delta Coax cable sounds. Just for kicks, I threw it into my DAC. My DAC is capable of a perfectly seamless switch from optical to coax without losing 1/16th of a beat. At the throw of a switch, I can go from one to the other...perfect for a comparison.

I am using a "decent" Monster optical cable. I have no illusions regarding Monster, but the quality of this optical cable is good. Well, apparently not that good. Would you believe that the 75ohm coax cable sounds better?!?

I was literally shocked. The most audible and evident area was in the lower region of the music. The optical cable sounded smeared but the Tributaries cable was clear and tight. In general, upon switching to the coax the sound would brighten up with clarity/detail punching up. It's subtle, however audible.

As I said, the bass improvement was anything BUT subtle. This was done using my AKG K240S cans, which are extremely neutral and sensitive to input. Anyhow quite a compliment to Tributaries, I think I may keep this one...
