Something different to think about... [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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karl k
04-07-2004, 03:38 PM
I read a post last night that had an affect on me and inlight of the "Doom and Gloom" I hear about everyday, I'm going to suggest something else to think about. Thanks GF for making me think.

Here's the assignment... I want you to go back to when you were 5 or 6yrs old, and think about(from that point on) all the things you miss doing. Remember when you were a kid and things were much simpler and BIGGER! Remember the things you did back then, and why you don't do them now.

My list... BTW, this covers 32/38 of my yrs.

Kick ball... man I used to love Kickball was a good runner/dodger.

Getting the gang together for a game of 500. Ya know, 3-5 guys, a baseball, bat, and gloves. Grounders 50 and flies are 100. First to 500 is next at bat.

Bombardment/Dodgeball... Ranks up there in top 3 for action, skill, and strategy.

Building "dirt forts" and staging "dirt clod" fights... Man, I spent alot of time digging and scrounging for plywood!

Spending the night at a friends house... w/o the spouse to answer to.

Snow ball fights... too many people afraid of getting hurt or hurting someone else.

Riding the rides at the amusement park... I live with a family of girls and all fear adrenalin. There's just no fun in riding by yourself! :(

Cruising Main Street...I probably miss this one the most. I use to take the wife(although she didn't appreciate it as much as I did) every other week and before I met her, It was Friday and Saturday night every weekend til 2am. Now-a-days, the cities have made it very costly to be up and down the street more than 4 or 5 times.

Street Racing... This would be #2 on the list. When you have a V8 Pinto, and it's quiet, well... there were alot of suprised people.

When you're done, think how practicle it would be to try some of those things now. Would you have as much fun, or would it really seem too childish or lacking in entertainment?

04-07-2004, 07:00 PM
Hi ya Karl,

To add to your list...

just doing something! it didn't matter what it was...just do something...and do it outside if possible.

exploring. Just walking and running thru the woods and fields looking for a new something that I never found but was always near. Pressing on...something new was always just ahead of me :)

fishing :) I used to take this dang serious...and once the daughter get a little older...I can't wait to share this part of me with her also :D

The sunshine! It just felt so good back then (sounds strange doesn't it?)...the sun always just felt so right...not too hot...just pure warmth wrapped up in the suns rays hitting my skin...I loved it:)

Not that I liked it much back then...but now I can appreciate getting in trouble! Hmmm...let me rephrase that...I can appreciate getting punished by not only my other and father...but also by my neighbors dragging me home if I did something wrong.

well...that's just a few ;)