Grandaddy.....anyone? [Archive] - Audio & Video Forums


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07-26-2010, 07:29 PM
Anyone else a fan of their music? I am really digging Jed's Other Poem (Beautiful Ground).... here is a YouTube link:

Song reminds me of Nada Surf meets Sigur Ros. Both of which I love.

07-26-2010, 11:24 PM
Anyone else a fan of their music? I am really digging Jed's Other Poem (Beautiful Ground).... here is a YouTube link:

Song reminds me of Nada Surf meets Sigur Ros. Both of which I love.Do a search. You'll come up with plenty.

07-27-2010, 07:01 AM
Never heard of them until now...thanks. Voice kinda reminds me of Neil Young.

07-27-2010, 10:21 AM
Anyone else a fan of their music?

Do a search. You'll come up with plenty.

I had to laugh. I think what Slosh is getting at is the same thing I thought immediately upon glancing at this thread; Grandaddy is one of the quintessential RR bands... possibly more discussed in the early 00s era of this forum more than any other.


08-01-2010, 06:54 PM
I had to laugh. I think what Slosh is getting at is the same thing I thought immediately upon glancing at this thread; Grandaddy is one of the quintessential RR bands... possibly more discussed in the early 00s era of this forum more than any other.


Yes to Rae's sentiments. Just Like the Fambly Cat is my favorite but Excerpts from the diary of... is a nice lil' EP dealio as well.

Grandaddy is kind of a gateway drug, as it were. They led me to Calexico, Califone, Red, Red Meat, Pinback and a host of others...nice intro to some of the alt-country stuff that is quietly going on out there.